#!/bin/csh xyz2pipe -in data/test%03d.fid -x -verb \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -time \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -size 512 -off 0.5 -end 0.99 -pow 2 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 196.0 -p1 0.0 \ | nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 -2ppm -xn 7.5ppm -di -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.5 -end 0.98 -pow 1 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 47.0 -p1 0.0 \ | nmrPipe -fn CS -ls 2ppm -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn EXT -x1 -1ppm -xn 6.5ppm -di -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto -ord 0 \ | nmrPipe -fn TP \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -auto -ord 0 \ | pipe2xyz -out data/test%03d.ft2 -x -ov xyz2pipe -in data/test%03d.ft2 -z -verb \ # | nmrPipe -fn LP -fb \ | nmrPipe -fn SP -off 0.50 -end 0.99 -pow 1 -c 0.5 \ | nmrPipe -fn ZF -auto \ | nmrPipe -fn FT \ | nmrPipe -fn PS -p0 36.0 -p1 0.0 -di \ # | nmrPipe -fn CS -rs 8ppm -sw \ | nmrPipe -fn POLY -ord 0 \ | pipe2xyz -out data/test%03d.ft3 -z -verb -ov xyz2pipe -in data/test%03d.ft3 -y -verb \ > hcch_cosy.ft3 # use below to allow cursor alignment of the hcch_cosy and cosy with the Cnoesy in sparky # pipe2ucsf -132 hcch_cosy.ft3 hcch_cosy.ucsf