
   _Entry.Sf_category                    entry_information
   _Entry.Sf_framecode                   entry_information
   _Entry.ID                             bmse000529
   _Entry.Title                          11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone
   _Entry.Version_type                   update
   _Entry.Submission_date                2008-12-11
   _Entry.Accession_date                 2008-12-11
   _Entry.Last_release_date              2012-10-17
   _Entry.Original_release_date          2008-12-11
   _Entry.Origination                    author
   _Entry.Original_NMR_STAR_version      3.1
   _Entry.Experimental_method            NMR
   _Entry.Experimental_method_subtype    solution
   _Entry.Details                        ?
   _Entry.BMRB_internal_directory_name   11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone


       1   Francisca   Jofre       ?    ?   bmse000529  
       2   Isabelle    Jeacomine   ?    ?   bmse000529  
       3   Mark        Anderson    E.   ?   bmse000529  
       4   John        Markley     L.   ?   bmse000529  


       1   metabolomics  "Madison Metabolomics Consortium"  MMC   bmse000529  


       assigned_chemical_shifts   1   bmse000529  


      "13C chemical shifts"  21   bmse000529  
      "1H chemical shifts"   29   bmse000529  
      "1H chemical shifts"   30   bmse000529  


       1    2008-12-11   2008-12-11   original   BMRB    "Original spectra from MMC"                                                  bmse000529  
       2    2009-02-24   2009-02-24   update     Author  "Assignments provided by students of Professor Catherine Bougault"           bmse000529  
       3    2009-06-03   2009-06-03   update     Author  "Updated data with new 13C reference"                                        bmse000529  
       4    2009-06-04   2009-06-04   update     Author  "Updated data with new 13C reference"                                        bmse000529  
       5    2009-07-20   2009-07-20   update     BMRB    "Updated the InChI string to match PubChem"                                  bmse000529  
       6    2009-08-25   2009-08-25   update     Author  "removed previous assignments, "                                             bmse000529  
       7    2009-08-25   2009-08-25   update     Author  "Assignments, 13C transition lists, 1H transition lists by Francisca Jofre"  bmse000529  
       8    2010-02-03   2010-02-03   update     Author  "updated peak lists with new referencing"                                    bmse000529  
       9    2010-11-11   2010-11-11   update     BMRB    "Reset sweep widths to those found in parameter files"                       bmse000529  
       10   2010-11-11   2010-11-11   update     BMRB    "Updated chem comp Paramagnetic and Aromatic"                                bmse000529  
       11   2011-03-04   2011-03-04   update     BMRB    "Fixed peak list ID issue"                                                   bmse000529  
       12   2011-04-04   2011-04-04   update     BMRB    "Added Provenance tag to chem_comp"                                          bmse000529  
       13   2011-04-11   2011-04-11   update     BMRB    "Moved Dept 135 phase val info from _Peak_general_char to _Peak_char"        bmse000529  
       14   2011-09-09   2011-09-09   update     BMRB    "Brought up to date with latest Dictionary"                                  bmse000529  
       15   2011-09-21   2011-09-21   update     BMRB    "Added base dir to data file path"                                           bmse000529  
       16   2011-12-14   2011-12-14   update     BMRB    "Set Assembly.Name to match"                                  bmse000529  
       17   2012-09-13   2012-09-13   update     BMRB    "Added PubChem SID 85165310 to database loop"                                bmse000529  
       18   2012-10-17   2012-10-17   update     BMRB    "Set all _Chem_comp_SMILES Types to lower case"                              bmse000529  


   _Citation.Sf_category     citations
   _Citation.Sf_framecode    citation_1
   _Citation.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Citation.ID              1
   _Citation.Class          'reference citation'
   _Citation.PubMed_ID       17170002
   _Citation.Title          'Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information.'
   _Citation.Status          published
   _Citation.Type            internet
   _Citation.Year            2006
   _Citation.Details         ?


       1    D.   Wheeler      D.   L.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    T.   Barrett      T.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    D.   Benson       D.   A.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    S.   Bryant       S.   H.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    K.   Canese       K.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    V.   Chetvenin    V.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    D.   Church       D.   M.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    M.   DiCuccio     M.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    R.   Edgar        R.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   S.   Federhen     S.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   L.   Geer         L.   Y.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   W.   Helmberg     W.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   Y.   Kapustin     Y.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   D.   Kenton       D.   L.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   O.   Khovayko     O.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       16   D.   Lipman       D.   J.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       17   T.   Madden       T.   L.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       18   D.   Maglott      D.   R.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       19   J.   Ostell       J.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       20   K.   Pruitt       K.   D.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       21   G.   Schuler      G.   D.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       22   L.   Schriml      L.   M.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       23   E.   Sequeira     E.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       24   S.   Sherry       S.   T.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       25   K.   Sirotkin     K.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       26   A.   Souvorov     A.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       27   G.   Starchenko   G.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       28   T.   Suzek        T.   O.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       29   R.   Tatusov      R.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       30   T.   Tatusova     T.   A.   ?   bmse000529   1  
       31   L.   Bagner       L.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  
       32   E.   Yaschenko    E.   ?    ?   bmse000529   1  


   _Assembly.Sf_category            assembly
   _Assembly.Sf_framecode           assembly
   _Assembly.Entry_ID               bmse000529
   _Assembly.ID                     1
   _Assembly.Name                   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
   _Assembly.Number_of_components   1
   _Assembly.Organic_ligands        0
   _Assembly.Metal_ions             ?
   _Assembly.Non_standard_bonds     no
   _Assembly.Paramagnetic           no
   _Assembly.Thiol_state           'not reported'


       1   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   1  $11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone    yes   native   no   no   ?   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


   _Entity.Sf_category                       entity
   _Entity.Sf_framecode                      11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
   _Entity.Entry_ID                          bmse000529
   _Entity.ID                                1
   _Entity.BMRB_code                         ?
   _Entity.Name                              11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
   _Entity.Type                              non-polymer
   _Entity.Ambiguous_conformational_states   no
   _Entity.Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites         no
   _Entity.Nstd_monomer                      no
   _Entity.Nstd_chirality                    no
   _Entity.Nstd_linkage                      no
   _Entity.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Entity.Thiol_state                      'not reported'


       1   1  $chem_comp_1    bmse000529   1  


   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_category     natural_source
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Sf_framecode    natural_source
   _Entity_natural_src_list.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Entity_natural_src_list.ID              1


       1   1  $11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   .  n/a  "multiple natural sources"  yes  "not applicable"  n/a  . .  n/a   n/a   n/a   n/a  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  bmse000529   1  


   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_category     experimental_source
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Sf_framecode    experimental_source
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Entity_experimental_src_list.ID              1


       1   1  $11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   . "chemical synthesis" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  bmse000529   1  


   _Chem_comp.Sf_category                       chem_comp
   _Chem_comp.Sf_framecode                      chem_comp_1
   _Chem_comp.Entry_ID                          bmse000529
   _Chem_comp.ID                                1
   _Chem_comp.Provenance                        PubChem
   _Chem_comp.Name                              11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone
   _Chem_comp.Type                              non-polymer
   _Chem_comp.BMRB_code                         bmse000529
   _Chem_comp.PDB_code                          ?
   _Chem_comp.Mon_nstd_flag                     ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_one_letter_code         ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_three_letter_code       ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_BMRB_code               ?
   _Chem_comp.Std_deriv_PDB_code                ?
   _Chem_comp.Formal_charge                     ?
   _Chem_comp.Paramagnetic                      no
   _Chem_comp.Aromatic                          no
   _Chem_comp.Formula                          'C21 H30 O3'
   _Chem_comp.Formula_weight                    330.4611
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_nat           330.2194948293
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C           351.2899464231
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_15N           330.2194948293
   _Chem_comp.Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C_15N       351.2899464231
   _Chem_comp.Image_file_name                   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/lit/92730.png
   _Chem_comp.Image_file_format                 png
   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_name                    ?
   _Chem_comp.Topo_file_format                  ?
   _Chem_comp.Struct_file_name                  standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/lit/92730.mol
   _Chem_comp.Struct_file_format                MDL
   _Chem_comp.Stereochem_param_file_name        ?
   _Chem_comp.Details                           ?
   _Chem_comp.DB_query_date                     ?
   _Chem_comp.DB_last_query_revised_last_date   ?


       11-alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone                            synonym   bmse000529   1  
       11alpha-Hydroxyprogesterone                             synonym   bmse000529   1  
       (11alpha)-11-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione              synonym   bmse000529   1  
       4-Pregnen-11alpha-ol-3,20-dione                         synonym   bmse000529   1  
      "Pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione, 11alpha-hydroxy- (8CI)"         synonym   bmse000529   1  
       11-alpha-Hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione                  synonym   bmse000529   1  
       4-pregnen-11alpha-ol-3,20-dione                         synonym   bmse000529   1  
      "Pregn-4-ene-3,20-dione, 11-hydroxy-, (11alpha)- (9CI)"  synonym   bmse000529   1  
       11alpha-hydroxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione                   synonym   bmse000529   1  
      "Progesterone, 11alpha-hydroxy-"                         synonym   bmse000529   1  
       11ALPHA-HYDROXYPROGESTERONE                             synonym   bmse000529   1  
       11alpha-Hydroxy-4-pregnene-3,20-dione                   synonym   bmse000529   1  


 PUBCHEM_IUPAC_NAME               bmse000529   1  
 PUBCHEM_IUPAC_OPENEYE_NAME       bmse000529   1  
 PUBCHEM_IUPAC_CAS_NAME           bmse000529   1  


       canonical   CC(=O)C1CCC2C1(CC(C3C2CCC4=CC(=O)CCC34C)O)C                               bmse000529   1  
       isomeric    CC(=O)[C@H]1CC[C@@H]2[C@@]1(C[C@H]([C@H]3[C@H]2CCC4=CC(=O)CC[C@]34C)O)C   bmse000529   1  


       O1    O   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7950    1.0493    bmse000529   1  
       O2    O   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.9821    2.5489    bmse000529   1  
       O3    O   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.0000    -2.5030   bmse000529   1  
       C4    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.3931    -0.4507   bmse000529   1  
       C5    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.3931    0.5493    bmse000529   1  
       C6    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.5271    -0.9507   bmse000529   1  
       C7    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.6610    -0.4507   bmse000529   1  
       C8    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7510    -0.9575   bmse000529   1  
       C9    C   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.5271    1.0493    bmse000529   1  
       C10   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.3393    0.8540    bmse000529   1  
       C11   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.6610    0.5493    bmse000529   1  
       C12   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.3393    -0.7554   bmse000529   1  
       C13   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.5431    -1.9922   bmse000529   1  
       C14   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.9229    0.0493    bmse000529   1  
       C15   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7430    -1.9991   bmse000529   1  
       C16   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.3931    1.5493    bmse000529   1  
       C17   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.6451    -2.5200   bmse000529   1  
       C18   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.8242    -0.3935   bmse000529   1  
       C19   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7587    0.0424    bmse000529   1  
       C20   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.6500    1.8046    bmse000529   1  
       C21   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8763    -0.9214   bmse000529   1  
       C22   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.8076    -2.5489   bmse000529   1  
       C23   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.8679    -2.0064   bmse000529   1  
       C24   C   ?   ?   ?   ?   9.6285    2.0108    bmse000529   1  
       H25   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.4777    -1.2462   bmse000529   1  
       H26   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.2229    -1.3453   bmse000529   1  
       H27   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.3539    -0.0507   bmse000529   1  
       H28   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.1285    1.5243    bmse000529   1  
       H29   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.9256    1.5243    bmse000529   1  
       H30   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.9018    1.2934    bmse000529   1  
       H31   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.1241    0.2393    bmse000529   1  
       H32   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.0883    -1.3223   bmse000529   1  
       H33   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.8767    -1.0646   bmse000529   1  
       H34   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.1523    -1.8767   bmse000529   1  
       H35   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.7611    -2.5726   bmse000529   1  
       H36   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   9.3838    -0.3654   bmse000529   1  
       H37   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   9.3838    0.4640    bmse000529   1  
       H38   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.7731    1.5493    bmse000529   1  
       H39   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   7.3931    2.1693    bmse000529   1  
       H40   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   8.0131    1.5493    bmse000529   1  
       H41   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   6.0460    -2.9928   bmse000529   1  
       H42   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.2478    -2.9959   bmse000529   1  
       H43   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.4343    0.0886    bmse000529   1  
       H44   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.2324    0.0732    bmse000529   1  
       H45   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.1388    0.0472    bmse000529   1  
       H46   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7635    0.6624    bmse000529   1  
       H47   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   5.3787    0.0377    bmse000529   1  
       H48   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.2647    -1.0228   bmse000529   1  
       H49   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   2.6718    -0.3361   bmse000529   1  
       H50   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   4.7950    1.6693    bmse000529   1  
       H51   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   3.8100    -3.1689   bmse000529   1  
       H52   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   9.5006    2.6175    bmse000529   1  
       H53   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   10.2351   2.1386    bmse000529   1  
       H54   H   ?   ?   ?   ?   9.7563    1.4041    bmse000529   1  


       O1    O1    ?   bmse000529   1  
       O2    O2    ?   bmse000529   1  
       O3    O3    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C4    C4    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C5    C5    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C6    C6    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C7    C7    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C8    C8    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C9    C9    ?   bmse000529   1  
       C10   C10   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C11   C11   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C12   C12   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C13   C13   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C14   C14   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C15   C15   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C16   C16   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C17   C17   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C18   C18   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C19   C19   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C20   C20   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C21   C21   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C22   C22   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C23   C23   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C24   C24   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H25   H25   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H26   H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H27   H27   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H28   H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H29   H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H30   H30   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H31   H31   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H32   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H33   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H34   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H35   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H36   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H37   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H38   H38   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H39   H39   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H40   H40   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H41   H41   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H42   H42   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H43   H43   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H44   H44   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H45   H45   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H46   H46   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H47   H47   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H48   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H49   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H50   H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H51   H51   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H52   H52   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H53   H53   ?   bmse000529   1  
       H54   H54   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    covalent   SING   C11   O1    ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    covalent   SING   O1    H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    covalent   DOUB   O2    C20   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    covalent   DOUB   O3    C23   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    covalent   SING   C4    C5    ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    covalent   SING   C4    C6    ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    covalent   SING   C4    C12   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    covalent   SING   C4    H25   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    covalent   SING   C5    C9    ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   covalent   SING   C5    C10   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   covalent   SING   C5    C16   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   covalent   SING   C6    C7    ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   covalent   SING   C6    C13   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   covalent   SING   C6    H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   covalent   SING   C7    C8    ?   bmse000529   1  
       16   covalent   SING   C7    C11   ?   bmse000529   1  
       17   covalent   SING   C7    H27   ?   bmse000529   1  
       18   covalent   SING   C8    C15   ?   bmse000529   1  
       19   covalent   SING   C8    C18   ?   bmse000529   1  
       20   covalent   SING   C8    C19   ?   bmse000529   1  
       21   covalent   SING   C9    C11   ?   bmse000529   1  
       22   covalent   SING   C9    H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       23   covalent   SING   C9    H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       24   covalent   SING   C10   C14   ?   bmse000529   1  
       25   covalent   SING   C10   C20   ?   bmse000529   1  
       26   covalent   SING   C10   H30   ?   bmse000529   1  
       27   covalent   SING   C11   H31   ?   bmse000529   1  
       28   covalent   SING   C12   C14   ?   bmse000529   1  
       29   covalent   SING   C12   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       30   covalent   SING   C12   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       31   covalent   SING   C13   C17   ?   bmse000529   1  
       32   covalent   SING   C13   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       33   covalent   SING   C13   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       34   covalent   SING   C14   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       35   covalent   SING   C14   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       36   covalent   SING   C15   C17   ?   bmse000529   1  
       37   covalent   DOUB   C15   C22   ?   bmse000529   1  
       38   covalent   SING   C16   H38   ?   bmse000529   1  
       39   covalent   SING   C16   H39   ?   bmse000529   1  
       40   covalent   SING   C16   H40   ?   bmse000529   1  
       41   covalent   SING   C17   H41   ?   bmse000529   1  
       42   covalent   SING   C17   H42   ?   bmse000529   1  
       43   covalent   SING   C18   C21   ?   bmse000529   1  
       44   covalent   SING   C18   H43   ?   bmse000529   1  
       45   covalent   SING   C18   H44   ?   bmse000529   1  
       46   covalent   SING   C19   H45   ?   bmse000529   1  
       47   covalent   SING   C19   H46   ?   bmse000529   1  
       48   covalent   SING   C19   H47   ?   bmse000529   1  
       49   covalent   SING   C20   C24   ?   bmse000529   1  
       50   covalent   SING   C21   C23   ?   bmse000529   1  
       51   covalent   SING   C21   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       52   covalent   SING   C21   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       53   covalent   SING   C22   C23   ?   bmse000529   1  
       54   covalent   SING   C22   H51   ?   bmse000529   1  
       55   covalent   SING   C24   H52   ?   bmse000529   1  
       56   covalent   SING   C24   H53   ?   bmse000529   1  
       57   covalent   SING   C24   H54   ?   bmse000529   1  


       no    PubChem         85165310       sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         92730          cid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         669640         sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         8144795        sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         12161528       sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         24895693       sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         44423530       sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    PubChem         855849         sid               ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no   "CAS Registry"   80-75-1       "registry number"  ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    Sigma-Aldrich   H5502_SIGMA    ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    ChEBI           CHEBI:16076    ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    ChemSpider      83709          ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    EINECS          201-306-9      ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    ZINC            ZINC03881614   ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    ChemIDplus      000080751      ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       no    MLSMR           MLS000028508   ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       yes   MMCD            cq_02218       ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       yes   MDL             MFCD00003652   ?                 ?   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   ?  "matching entry"  ?   bmse000529   1  


       1  $citation_1    bmse000529   1  


   _Sample.Sf_category     sample
   _Sample.Sf_framecode    sample_1
   _Sample.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Sample.ID              1
   _Sample.Type            solution


       1   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone  "natural abundance"  1  $11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone    ?   Solute      Saturated   ?   ?   1   ?   Sigma   11-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone   n/a   bmse000529   1  
       2   CDCl3                          ?                   1   ?                               ?   Solvent     100         ?   ?   %   ?   ?       ?                              ?     bmse000529   1  
       3   TMS                            ?                   1   ?                               ?   Reference   0.5         ?   ?   %   ?   ?       ?                              ?     bmse000529   1  


   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_category     sample_conditions
   _Sample_condition_list.Sf_framecode    sample_conditions_1
   _Sample_condition_list.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Sample_condition_list.ID              1


       pH            n/a   ?   pH   bmse000529   1  
       temperature   298   ?   K    bmse000529   1  


   _Software.Sf_category     software
   _Software.Sf_framecode    software_1
   _Software.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Software.ID              1
   _Software.Name            NMRPipe
   _Software.Version         ?
   _Software.Details         ?


      "F Delaglio, S Grzesiek, GW Vuister, G Zhu, J Pfeifer and A Bax"  ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       Processing   bmse000529   1  


   _Software.Sf_category     software
   _Software.Sf_framecode    software_2
   _Software.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Software.ID              2
   _Software.Name            XWIN-NMR
   _Software.Version         3.5
   _Software.Details         ?


      "Bruker Biospin"  ?   ?   bmse000529   2  


       Collection      bmse000529   2  
       Processing      bmse000529   2  
      "Data analysis"  bmse000529   2  
      "Peak picking"   bmse000529   2  


   _Software.Sf_category     software
   _Software.Sf_framecode    software_3
   _Software.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Software.ID              3
   _Software.Name            NMRDraw
   _Software.Version         2.3
   _Software.Details         ?


      "F Delaglio, S Grzesiek, GW Vuister, G Zhu, J Pfeifer and A Bax"  ?   ?   bmse000529   3  


      "Data analysis"  bmse000529   3  
      "Peak picking"   bmse000529   3  


   _Software.Sf_category     software
   _Software.Sf_framecode    software_4
   _Software.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Software.ID              4
   _Software.Name            NUTS
   _Software.Version        '1D Version - 20060331'
   _Software.Details         ?


      "Acorn NMR Inc."  ?   ?   bmse000529   4  


      "Data analysis"  bmse000529   4  
      "Peak picking"   bmse000529   4  


   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_category      NMR_spectrometer
   _NMR_spectrometer.Sf_framecode     Bruker_DMX_500
   _NMR_spectrometer.Entry_ID         bmse000529
   _NMR_spectrometer.ID               1
   _NMR_spectrometer.Manufacturer     Bruker
   _NMR_spectrometer.Model            DMX
   _NMR_spectrometer.Field_strength   500


   _Experiment_list.Sf_category     experiment_list
   _Experiment_list.Sf_framecode    experiment_list
   _Experiment_list.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Experiment_list.ID              1
   _Experiment_list.Details         ?


       1  "1D 1H"             yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2  "2D [1H,1H]-TOCSY"  yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3  "1D 13C"            yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4  "1D DEPT90"         yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5  "1D DEPT135"        yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6  "2D [1H,13C]-HSQC"  yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7  "2D [1H,13C]-HMBC"  yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8  "2D [1H,1H]-COSY"   yes   ?   ?   1  $sample_1    isotropic   1  $sample_conditions_1    1  $Bruker_DMX_500    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/1H/*                         "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       1   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/1H.png           "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/HH_TOCSY/*                   "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       2   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/HH_TOCSY.png     "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/13C/*                        "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       3   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/13C.png          "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/DEPT_90/*                    "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       4   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/DEPT_90.png      "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/DEPT_135/*                   "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       5   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/DEPT_135.png     "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/1H_13C_HSQC/*                "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       6   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/1H_13C_HSQC.png  "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/1H_13C_HMBC/*                "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       7   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/1H_13C_HMBC.png  "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/HH_COSY/*                    "Time-domain (raw spectral data)"  ?   bmse000529   1  
       8   standards/11_alpha_hydroxyprogesterone/nmr/bmse000529/spectra_png/HH_COSY.png      "Spectral image"                   ?   bmse000529   1  


   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_category     chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Sf_framecode    chem_shift_reference
   _Chem_shift_reference.Entry_ID        bmse000529
   _Chem_shift_reference.ID              1
   _Chem_shift_reference.Details         ?


       H   1    TMS  "methyl protons"  ppm   0.00   internal   direct     1.000000000   ?   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       C   13   TMS  "methyl protons"  ppm   0.00   ?          indirect   1.000000000   ?   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


	#  Assigned chemical shift lists  #

#       Chemical Shift Ambiguity Index Value Definitions          #
#                                                                 #
#   Index Value            Definition                             #
#                                                                 #
#      1             Unique (geminal atoms and geminal methyl     #
#                         groups with identical chemical shifts   #
#                         are assumed to be assigned to           #
#                         stereospecific atoms)                   #
#      2             Ambiguity of geminal atoms or geminal methyl #
#                         proton groups                           #
#      3             Aromatic atoms on opposite sides of          #
#                         symmetrical rings (e.g. Tyr HE1 and HE2 #
#                         protons)                                #
#      4             Intraresidue ambiguities (e.g. Lys HG and    #
#                         HD protons or Trp HZ2 and HZ3 protons)  #
#      5             Interresidue ambiguities (Lys 12 vs. Lys 27) #
#      9             Ambiguous, specific ambiguity not defined    #
#                                                                 #

   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_category                   assigned_chemical_shifts
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sf_framecode                  assigned_chemical_shifts
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Entry_ID                      bmse000529
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.ID                            1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_ID      1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Sample_condition_list_label  $sample_conditions_1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_ID       1
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_reference_label   $chem_shift_reference
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_1H_err             ?
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Chem_shift_13C_err            ?
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Error_derivation_method       ?
   _Assigned_chem_shift_list.Details                       ?


       1  "1D 1H"             1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       2  "2D [1H,1H]-TOCSY"  1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       3  "1D 13C"            1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       4  "1D DEPT90"         1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       5  "1D DEPT135"        1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       6  "2D [1H,13C]-HSQC"  1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       7  "2D [1H,13C]-HMBC"  1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  
       8  "2D [1H,1H]-COSY"   1  $sample_1    bmse000529   1  


       1  $software_2    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    1   1   1   C4    C   13   55.817    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C4    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       2    1   1   1   C5    C   13   44.608    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C5    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       3    1   1   1   C6    C   13   35.416    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C6    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       4    1   1   1   C7    C   13   59.426    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C7    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       5    1   1   1   C8    C   13   40.412    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C8    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       6    1   1   1   C9    C   13   50.876    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C9    ?                     bmse000529   1  
       7    1   1   1   C10   C   13   63.595    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C10   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       8    1   1   1   C11   C   13   69.294    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C11   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       9    1   1   1   C12   C   13   24.711    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C12   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       10   1   1   1   C13   C   13   34.065    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C13   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       11   1   1   1   C14   C   13   23.412    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C14   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       12   1   1   1   C15   C   13   171.479   ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C15   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       13   1   1   1   C16   C   13   14.978    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C16   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       14   1   1   1   C17   C   13   32.009    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C17   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       15   1   1   1   C18   C   13   37.973    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C18   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       16   1   1   1   C19   C   13   18.773    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C19   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       17   1   1   1   C20   C   13   209.323   ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C20   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       18   1   1   1   C21   C   13   34.658    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C21   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       19   1   1   1   C22   C   13   125.015   ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C22   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       20   1   1   1   C23   C   13   200.734   ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C23   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       21   1   1   1   C24   C   13   31.846    ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   C24   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       22   1   1   1   H25   H   1    1.261     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H25   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       23   1   1   1   H26   H   1    2.376     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H26   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       24   1   1   1   H27   H   1    1.139     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H27   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       25   1   1   1   H28   H   1    2.190     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H28  "ambiguity with H29"   bmse000529   1  
       26   1   1   1   H29   H   1    1.729     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H29  "ambiguity with H28"   bmse000529   1  
       27   1   1   1   H30   H   1    2.569     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H30   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       28   1   1   1   H31   H   1    4.040     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H31  "strong coupling"      bmse000529   1  
       29   1   1   1   H32   H   1    1.534     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H32  "ambiguity with H33"   bmse000529   1  
       30   1   1   1   H33   H   1    2.376     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H33  "ambiguity with H32"   bmse000529   1  
       31   1   1   1   H34   H   1    2.190     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H34  "ambiguity with H35"   bmse000529   1  
       32   1   1   1   H35   H   1    1.729     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H35  "ambiguity with H34"   bmse000529   1  
       33   1   1   1   H36   H   1    1.534     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H36  "ambiguity with H37"   bmse000529   1  
       34   1   1   1   H37   H   1    2.376     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H37  "ambiguity with H36"   bmse000529   1  
       35   1   1   1   H38   H   1    0.703     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H38   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       36   1   1   1   H39   H   1    0.703     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H39   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       37   1   1   1   H40   H   1    0.703     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H40   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       38   1   1   1   H41   H   1    1.854     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H41  "ambiguity with H42"   bmse000529   1  
       39   1   1   1   H42   H   1    1.139     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H42  "ambiguity with H41"   bmse000529   1  
       40   1   1   1   H43   H   1    2.683     ?   ?   2   ?   ?   ?   H43  "ambiguity with H43"   bmse000529   1  
       41   1   1   1   H44   H   1    2.026     ?   ?   2   ?   ?   ?   H44  "ambiguity with H42"   bmse000529   1  
       42   1   1   1   H45   H   1    1.326     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H45   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       43   1   1   1   H46   H   1    1.326     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H46   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       44   1   1   1   H47   H   1    1.326     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H47   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       45   1   1   1   H48   H   1    2.190     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H48  "ambiguity with H49"   bmse000529   1  
       46   1   1   1   H49   H   1    1.729     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H49  "ambiguity with H48"   bmse000529   1  
       47   1   1   1   H50   H   1    1.534     ?   ?   4   ?   ?   ?   H50  "exchangeable proton"  bmse000529   1  
       48   1   1   1   H51   H   1    5.739     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H51   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       49   1   1   1   H52   H   1    2.142     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H52   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       50   1   1   1   H53   H   1    2.142     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H53   ?                     bmse000529   1  
       51   1   1   1   H54   H   1    2.142     ?   ?   1   ?   ?   ?   H54   ?                     bmse000529   1  


       1   23   bmse000529   1  
       1   25   bmse000529   1  
       1   26   bmse000529   1  
       1   29   bmse000529   1  
       1   30   bmse000529   1  
       1   31   bmse000529   1  
       1   32   bmse000529   1  
       1   33   bmse000529   1  
       1   34   bmse000529   1  
       1   45   bmse000529   1  
       1   46   bmse000529   1  
       1   47   bmse000529   1  
       2   38   bmse000529   1  
       2   39   bmse000529   1  
       3   40   bmse000529   1  
       3   41   bmse000529   1  


   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                     spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                    spectral_peak_1H
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                        bmse000529
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                              1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                       1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                   $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label    $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                   1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                '1D 1H'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions   1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                         ?


       1   H   1  "Full H"  ?   7002.80112044818   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       2  $software_2    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       2    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       3    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       4    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       5    5   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       7    3   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       8    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       9    1   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       10   2   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       11   3   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       12   3   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       13   2   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       14   2   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  
       15   3   ?   integration   bmse000529   1  


       1    1   5.737   ?   s     bmse000529   1  
       2    1   4.038   ?   hpt   bmse000529   1  
       3    1   2.681   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       4    1   2.567   ?   t     bmse000529   1  
       5    1   2.374   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       6    1   2.188   ?   q     bmse000529   1  
       7    1   2.140   ?   s     bmse000529   1  
       8    1   2.024   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       9    1   1.852   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       10   1   1.727   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       11   1   1.532   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       12   1   1.324   ?   s     bmse000529   1  
       13   1   1.259   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       14   1   1.137   ?   m     bmse000529   1  
       15   1   0.701   ?   s     bmse000529   1  


       1    1   ?   ?   5.737   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H51   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    1   ?   ?   4.038   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H31   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    1   ?   ?   2.681   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H43   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    1   ?   ?   2.681   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H44   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    1   ?   ?   2.567   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H30   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   ?   ?   2.374   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.188   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    1   ?   ?   2.140   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H52   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    1   ?   ?   2.140   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H53   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    1   ?   ?   2.140   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H54   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    1   ?   ?   2.024   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H43   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    1   ?   ?   2.024   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H44   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    1   ?   ?   1.852   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H41   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    1   ?   ?   1.852   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H42   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   ?   ?   1.727   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H26   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H28   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H29   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H34   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H35   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H48   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H49   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.532   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H50   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   1   ?   ?   1.324   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H45   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   1   ?   ?   1.324   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H46   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   1   ?   ?   1.324   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H47   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   1   ?   ?   1.259   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   1   ?   ?   1.259   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   1   ?   ?   1.259   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H25   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   1   ?   ?   1.137   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H41   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   1   ?   ?   1.137   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H42   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   1   ?   ?   1.137   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H27   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   1   ?   ?   0.701   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H38   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   1   ?   ?   0.701   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H39   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   1   ?   ?   0.701   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H40   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       16   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       17   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       18   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       19   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       20   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       21   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       22   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       23   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       24   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       25   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       26   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       27   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       28   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       29   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       30   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       31   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       32   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       33   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       34   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       35   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       36   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       37   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       38   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       39   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       40   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       41   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       42   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       43   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       44   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       45   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       46   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       47   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       48   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       49   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       50   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       51   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       52   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       53   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       54   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       55   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       56   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       57   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       58   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       59   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       60   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       61   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       62   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       63   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       64   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       65   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       66   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       67   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       68   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       69   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       70   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       71   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       72   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       73   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       74   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       75   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       76   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       77   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       78   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  
       79   ?   ?   bmse000529   1  


       1    19.031    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       2    1.800     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       3    3.264     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       4    5.192     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       5    6.014     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       6    5.269     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       7    3.434     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       8    1.961     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       9    4.339     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       10   8.368     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       11   5.352     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       12   5.309     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       13   9.115     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       14   5.177     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       15   5.222     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       16   11.036    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       17   6.679     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       18   3.364     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       19   3.354     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       20   4.791     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       21   7.441     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       22   6.053     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       23   8.768     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       24   7.851     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       25   6.659     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       26   6.834     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       27   13.546    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       28   15.060    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       29   20.211    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       30   14.962    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       31   15.253    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       32   10.744    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       33   5.064     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       34   6.167     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       35   4.273     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       36   7.106     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       37   7.571     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       38   99.516    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       39   4.642     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       40   4.827     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       41   8.275     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       42   7.898     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       43   4.203     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       44   3.637     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       45   5.561     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       46   5.964     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       47   5.713     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       48   6.839     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       49   7.531     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       50   7.957     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       51   8.871     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       52   4.480     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       53   5.481     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       54   14.869    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       55   11.451    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       56   8.802     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       57   7.337     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       58   19.159    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       59   15.448    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       60   17.730    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       61   7.837     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       62   100.234   ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       63   8.916     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       64   8.175     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       65   10.915    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       66   10.647    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       67   10.089    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       68   6.149     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       69   5.402     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       70   8.403     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       71   14.607    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       72   9.545     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       73   6.034     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       74   6.022     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       75   5.656     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       76   5.332     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       77   2.347     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       78   2.149     ?   Height   bmse000529   1  
       79   95.729    ?   Height   bmse000529   1  


       1    1   5.738   ?   bmse000529   1  
       2    1   4.070   ?   bmse000529   1  
       3    1   4.058   ?   bmse000529   1  
       4    1   4.049   ?   bmse000529   1  
       5    1   4.038   ?   bmse000529   1  
       6    1   4.028   ?   bmse000529   1  
       7    1   4.018   ?   bmse000529   1  
       8    1   4.007   ?   bmse000529   1  
       9    1   2.704   ?   bmse000529   1  
       10   1   2.695   ?   bmse000529   1  
       11   1   2.685   ?   bmse000529   1  
       12   1   2.676   ?   bmse000529   1  
       13   1   2.666   ?   bmse000529   1  
       14   1   2.658   ?   bmse000529   1  
       15   1   2.585   ?   bmse000529   1  
       16   1   2.567   ?   bmse000529   1  
       17   1   2.549   ?   bmse000529   1  
       18   1   2.481   ?   bmse000529   1  
       19   1   2.472   ?   bmse000529   1  
       20   1   2.453   ?   bmse000529   1  
       21   1   2.447   ?   bmse000529   1  
       22   1   2.438   ?   bmse000529   1  
       23   1   2.419   ?   bmse000529   1  
       24   1   2.410   ?   bmse000529   1  
       25   1   2.394   ?   bmse000529   1  
       26   1   2.386   ?   bmse000529   1  
       27   1   2.367   ?   bmse000529   1  
       28   1   2.357   ?   bmse000529   1  
       29   1   2.343   ?   bmse000529   1  
       30   1   2.334   ?   bmse000529   1  
       31   1   2.308   ?   bmse000529   1  
       32   1   2.301   ?   bmse000529   1  
       33   1   2.284   ?   bmse000529   1  
       34   1   2.278   ?   bmse000529   1  
       35   1   2.271   ?   bmse000529   1  
       36   1   2.199   ?   bmse000529   1  
       37   1   2.180   ?   bmse000529   1  
       38   1   2.140   ?   bmse000529   1  
       39   1   2.058   ?   bmse000529   1  
       40   1   2.049   ?   bmse000529   1  
       41   1   2.030   ?   bmse000529   1  
       42   1   2.021   ?   bmse000529   1  
       43   1   2.002   ?   bmse000529   1  
       44   1   1.994   ?   bmse000529   1  
       45   1   1.872   ?   bmse000529   1  
       46   1   1.867   ?   bmse000529   1  
       47   1   1.862   ?   bmse000529   1  
       48   1   1.846   ?   bmse000529   1  
       49   1   1.842   ?   bmse000529   1  
       50   1   1.836   ?   bmse000529   1  
       51   1   1.831   ?   bmse000529   1  
       52   1   1.756   ?   bmse000529   1  
       53   1   1.744   ?   bmse000529   1  
       54   1   1.727   ?   bmse000529   1  
       55   1   1.718   ?   bmse000529   1  
       56   1   1.712   ?   bmse000529   1  
       57   1   1.552   ?   bmse000529   1  
       58   1   1.541   ?   bmse000529   1  
       59   1   1.529   ?   bmse000529   1  
       60   1   1.521   ?   bmse000529   1  
       61   1   1.498   ?   bmse000529   1  
       62   1   1.324   ?   bmse000529   1  
       63   1   1.301   ?   bmse000529   1  
       64   1   1.290   ?   bmse000529   1  
       65   1   1.280   ?   bmse000529   1  
       66   1   1.273   ?   bmse000529   1  
       67   1   1.269   ?   bmse000529   1  
       68   1   1.256   ?   bmse000529   1  
       69   1   1.246   ?   bmse000529   1  
       70   1   1.178   ?   bmse000529   1  
       71   1   1.157   ?   bmse000529   1  
       72   1   1.137   ?   bmse000529   1  
       73   1   1.116   ?   bmse000529   1  
       74   1   1.110   ?   bmse000529   1  
       75   1   1.091   ?   bmse000529   1  
       76   1   1.084   ?   bmse000529   1  
       77   1   1.065   ?   bmse000529   1  
       78   1   1.057   ?   bmse000529   1  
       79   1   0.701   ?   bmse000529   1  


   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                     spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                    spectral_peak_13C
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                        bmse000529
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                              2
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                       1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                   $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label    $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                   3
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                '1D 13C'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions   1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                         ?


       1   C   13  "Full C"  ?   30303.0303030303   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  


       2  $software_2    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       16   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       17   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       18   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       19   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       20   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       21   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  


       1    1   208.862   ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       2    1   200.270   ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       3    1   171.015   ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       4    1   124.543   ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       5    1   68.816    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       6    1   63.115    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       7    1   58.947    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       8    1   55.338    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       9    1   50.395    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       10   1   44.128    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       11   1   39.934    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       12   1   37.491    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       13   1   34.933    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       14   1   34.175    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       15   1   33.579    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       16   1   31.526    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       17   1   31.366    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       18   1   24.227    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       19   1   22.932    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       20   1   18.289    ?   s   bmse000529   2  
       21   1   14.493    ?   s   bmse000529   2  


       1    1   ?   ?   208.862   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C20   ?   bmse000529   2  
       2    1   ?   ?   200.270   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C23   ?   bmse000529   2  
       3    1   ?   ?   171.015   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C15   ?   bmse000529   2  
       4    1   ?   ?   124.543   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C22   ?   bmse000529   2  
       5    1   ?   ?   68.816    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C11   ?   bmse000529   2  
       6    1   ?   ?   63.115    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C10   ?   bmse000529   2  
       7    1   ?   ?   58.947    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C7    ?   bmse000529   2  
       8    1   ?   ?   55.338    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C4    ?   bmse000529   2  
       9    1   ?   ?   50.395    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C9    ?   bmse000529   2  
       10   1   ?   ?   44.128    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C5    ?   bmse000529   2  
       11   1   ?   ?   39.934    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C8    ?   bmse000529   2  
       12   1   ?   ?   37.491    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C18   ?   bmse000529   2  
       13   1   ?   ?   34.933    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C6    ?   bmse000529   2  
       14   1   ?   ?   34.175    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C21   ?   bmse000529   2  
       15   1   ?   ?   33.579    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C13   ?   bmse000529   2  
       16   1   ?   ?   31.526    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C17   ?   bmse000529   2  
       17   1   ?   ?   31.366    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C24   ?   bmse000529   2  
       18   1   ?   ?   24.227    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C12   ?   bmse000529   2  
       19   1   ?   ?   22.932    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C14   ?   bmse000529   2  
       20   1   ?   ?   18.289    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C19   ?   bmse000529   2  
       21   1   ?   ?   14.493    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C16   ?   bmse000529   2  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       16   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       17   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       18   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       19   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       20   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       21   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  
       22   ?   ?   bmse000529   2  


       1    38.525   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       2    45.781   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       3    40.384   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       4    90.982   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       5    84.751   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       6    72.560   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       7    87.420   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       8    94.246   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       9    60.760   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       10   42.716   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       11   57.408   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       12   55.206   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       13   68.650   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       14   61.507   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       15   54.025   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       16   67.978   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       17   28.577   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       18   71.805   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       19   53.597   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       20   91.477   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       21   51.231   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  
       22   51.559   ?   Height   bmse000529   2  


       1    1   208.864   ?   bmse000529   2  
       2    1   200.281   ?   bmse000529   2  
       3    1   171.017   ?   bmse000529   2  
       4    1   124.559   ?   bmse000529   2  
       5    1   68.838    ?   bmse000529   2  
       6    1   63.131    ?   bmse000529   2  
       7    1   58.966    ?   bmse000529   2  
       8    1   55.358    ?   bmse000529   2  
       9    1   50.408    ?   bmse000529   2  
       10   1   44.140    ?   bmse000529   2  
       11   1   39.951    ?   bmse000529   2  
       12   1   37.513    ?   bmse000529   2  
       13   1   34.957    ?   bmse000529   2  
       14   1   34.198    ?   bmse000529   2  
       15   1   33.597    ?   bmse000529   2  
       16   1   31.550    ?   bmse000529   2  
       17   1   31.376    ?   bmse000529   2  
       18   1   24.253    ?   bmse000529   2  
       19   1   22.944    ?   bmse000529   2  
       20   1   18.315    ?   bmse000529   2  
       21   1   14.521    ?   bmse000529   2  
       22   1   14.507    ?   bmse000529   2  


   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                     spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                    spectral_peak_DEPT_90
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                        bmse000529
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                              3
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                       1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                   $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label    $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                   4
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                '1D DEPT90'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions   1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                         ?


       1   C   13  "Full C"  ?   28943.5600578871   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  


       2  $software_2    ?   ?   bmse000529   3  


       1   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  
       2   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  
       3   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  
       4   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  
       5   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  
       6   ?   ?   bmse000529   3  


       1   1   124.544   ?   s   bmse000529   3  
       2   1   68.820    ?   s   bmse000529   3  
       3   1   63.121    ?   s   bmse000529   3  
       4   1   58.946    ?   s   bmse000529   3  
       5   1   55.341    ?   s   bmse000529   3  
       6   1   34.939    ?   s   bmse000529   3  


       1   1   ?   ?   124.544   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C22   ?   bmse000529   3  
       2   1   ?   ?   68.820    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C11   ?   bmse000529   3  
       3   1   ?   ?   63.121    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C10   ?   bmse000529   3  
       4   1   ?   ?   58.946    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C7    ?   bmse000529   3  
       5   1   ?   ?   55.341    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C4    ?   bmse000529   3  
       6   1   ?   ?   34.939    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C6    ?   bmse000529   3  


   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                     spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                    spectral_peak_DEPT_135
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                        bmse000529
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                              4
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                       1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                   $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label    $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                   5
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                '1D DEPT135'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions   1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                         ?


       1   C   13  "Full C"  ?   28943.5600578871   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  


       2  $software_2    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  
       16   ?   ?   bmse000529   4  


       1    1   124.543   ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       2    1   68.819    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       3    1   63.120    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       4    1   58.945    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       5    1   55.340    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       6    1   50.399    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       7    1   37.496    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       8    1   34.938    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       9    1   34.179    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       10   1   33.589    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       11   1   31.530    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       12   1   31.368    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       13   1   24.228    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       14   1   22.928    ?   negative   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       15   1   18.290    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  
       16   1   14.494    ?   positive   ?   s   bmse000529   4  


       1    1   ?   ?   124.543   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C22   ?   bmse000529   4  
       2    1   ?   ?   68.819    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C11   ?   bmse000529   4  
       3    1   ?   ?   63.120    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C10   ?   bmse000529   4  
       4    1   ?   ?   58.945    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C7    ?   bmse000529   4  
       5    1   ?   ?   55.340    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C4    ?   bmse000529   4  
       6    1   ?   ?   50.399    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C9    ?   bmse000529   4  
       7    1   ?   ?   37.496    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C18   ?   bmse000529   4  
       8    1   ?   ?   34.938    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C6    ?   bmse000529   4  
       9    1   ?   ?   34.179    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C21   ?   bmse000529   4  
       10   1   ?   ?   33.589    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C13   ?   bmse000529   4  
       11   1   ?   ?   31.530    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C17   ?   bmse000529   4  
       12   1   ?   ?   31.368    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C24   ?   bmse000529   4  
       13   1   ?   ?   24.228    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C12   ?   bmse000529   4  
       14   1   ?   ?   22.928    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C14   ?   bmse000529   4  
       15   1   ?   ?   18.290    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C19   ?   bmse000529   4  
       16   1   ?   ?   14.494    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C16   ?   bmse000529   4  


   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_category                     spectral_peak_list
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sf_framecode                    spectral_peak_1H_13C_HSQC
   _Spectral_peak_list.Entry_ID                        bmse000529
   _Spectral_peak_list.ID                              5
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_ID                       1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_label                   $sample_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_ID        1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Sample_condition_list_label    $sample_conditions_1
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_ID                   6
   _Spectral_peak_list.Experiment_name                '2D [1H,13C]-HSQC'
   _Spectral_peak_list.Number_of_spectral_dimensions   2
   _Spectral_peak_list.Details                         ?


       1   H   1   "Full H"  ?   4699.24812030075   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       2   C   13  "Full C"  ?   21367.5213675214   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  


       1  $software_1    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       3  $software_3    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  


       1    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       2    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       3    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       4    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       5    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       6    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       7    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       8    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       9    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       10   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       11   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       12   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       13   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       14   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       15   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       16   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       17   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       18   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       19   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  


       1    1   5.739     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       1    2   124.913   ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       2    1   4.038     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       2    2   69.287    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       3    1   2.567     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       3    2   63.353    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       4    1   1.157     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       4    2   59.378    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       5    1   1.290     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       5    2   55.402    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       6    1   2.358     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       6    2   50.745    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       7    1   2.681     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       7    2   37.712    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       8    1   2.025     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       8    2   37.712    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       9    1   1.548     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       9    2   35.567    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       10   1   2.378     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       10   2   34.220    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       11   1   1.855     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       11   2   31.847    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       12   1   1.098     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       12   2   31.847    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       13   1   2.142     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       13   2   31.596    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       14   1   1.277     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       14   2   24.464    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       15   1   1.720     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       15   2   24.464    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       16   1   2.195     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       16   2   23.337    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       17   1   1.731     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       17   2   23.337    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       18   1   1.329     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       18   2   18.620    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       19   1   0.705     ?   ?   bmse000529   5  
       19   2   15.030    ?   ?   bmse000529   5  


       1    1   ?   ?   5.739     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H51   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       1    2   ?   ?   124.913   ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C22   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       2    1   ?   ?   4.038     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H31   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       2    2   ?   ?   69.287    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C11  "Long range coupling with peak(s) to c7, 9"     bmse000529   5  
       3    1   ?   ?   2.567     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H30   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       3    2   ?   ?   63.353    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C10   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       4    1   ?   ?   1.157     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H27   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       4    2   ?   ?   59.378    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C7   "Long range coupling with peak(s) to c 6"       bmse000529   5  
       5    1   ?   ?   1.290     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H25   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       5    2   ?   ?   55.402    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C4   "Long range coupling with peak(s) to c 6"       bmse000529   5  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.358     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H28   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       6    1   ?   ?   2.358     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H29   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       6    2   ?   ?   50.745    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C9    ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       7    1   ?   ?   2.681     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H43   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       7    1   ?   ?   2.681     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H44   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       7    2   ?   ?   37.712    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C18   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       8    1   ?   ?   2.025     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H43   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       8    1   ?   ?   2.025     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H44   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       8    2   ?   ?   37.712    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C18   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       9    1   ?   ?   1.548     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H26   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       9    2   ?   ?   35.567    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C6    ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       10   1   ?   ?   2.378     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H34   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       10   1   ?   ?   2.378     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H35   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       10   1   ?   ?   2.378     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H48   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       10   1   ?   ?   2.378     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H49   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       10   2   ?   ?   34.220    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C13  "broad peak"                                    bmse000529   5  
       10   2   ?   ?   34.220    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C21  "broad peak"                                    bmse000529   5  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.855     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H41   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       11   1   ?   ?   1.855     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H42   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       11   2   ?   ?   31.847    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C17   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       12   1   ?   ?   1.098     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H41   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       12   1   ?   ?   1.098     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H42   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       12   2   ?   ?   31.847    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C17   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       13   1   ?   ?   2.142     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H52   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       13   1   ?   ?   2.142     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H53   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       13   1   ?   ?   2.142     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H54   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       13   2   ?   ?   31.596    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C24   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       14   1   ?   ?   1.277     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       14   1   ?   ?   1.277     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       14   2   ?   ?   24.464    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C12   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       15   1   ?   ?   1.720     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H32   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       15   1   ?   ?   1.720     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H33   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       15   2   ?   ?   24.464    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C12   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       16   1   ?   ?   2.195     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36  "Long range coupling with peak(s) to c 10, 12"  bmse000529   5  
       16   1   ?   ?   2.195     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37  "Long range coupling with peak(s) to c 10, 12"  bmse000529   5  
       16   2   ?   ?   23.337    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C14   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       17   1   ?   ?   1.731     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H36   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       17   1   ?   ?   1.731     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H37   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       17   2   ?   ?   23.337    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C14   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       18   1   ?   ?   1.329     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H45   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       18   1   ?   ?   1.329     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H46   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       18   1   ?   ?   1.329     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H47   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       18   2   ?   ?   18.620    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C19   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       19   1   ?   ?   0.705     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H38   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       19   1   ?   ?   0.705     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H39   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       19   1   ?   ?   0.705     ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   H40   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
       19   2   ?   ?   15.030    ?   ?   ?   1   1   1   C16   ?                                              bmse000529   5  
