-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 10.12 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 10.12 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'UTF8'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET search_path = public, pg_catalog; ALTER TABLE ONLY entry_saveframes DROP CONSTRAINT entry_saveframes_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.validator_sfcats DROP CONSTRAINT validator_sfcats_sfcategory_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.validationoverrides DROP CONSTRAINT validationoverrides_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.query_interface DROP CONSTRAINT query_interface_tagcategory_tagfield_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.query_interface DROP CONSTRAINT query_interface_dictionaryseq_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.ddltypes DROP CONSTRAINT ddltypes_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditsupergrp DROP CONSTRAINT aditsupergrp_supergrpname_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditsupergrp DROP CONSTRAINT aditsupergrp_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditenumhdr DROP CONSTRAINT aditenumhdr_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditcatgrp DROP CONSTRAINT aditcatgrp_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl DROP CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_tagcategory_tagfield_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl DROP CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_pkey; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl DROP CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_originaltag_key; ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl DROP CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_dictionaryseq_key; ALTER TABLE web.pulsefilelist ALTER COLUMN id DROP DEFAULT; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.termlist CASCADE; DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS web.pulsefilelist_id_seq CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.pulsefilelist CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.procque CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.dep2accno CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_rna_full CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_rna_filt CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_nstd CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_dna_filt CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_aa_full CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS web.cs_stat_aa_filt CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS entry_saveframes CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Xray_instrument" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Vendor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Upload_data" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Torsion_angle_constraints_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Torsion_angle_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Torsion_angle_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Torsion_angle_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Torsion_angle" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_coupling_constant_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_coupling_constant_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_coupling_constant_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_coupling_constant" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_chem_shift_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_chem_shift" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_auto_relaxation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_T2" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Theoretical_T1" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Tertiary_struct_element_sel" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Tertiary_struct_element_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Tertiary_struct" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Terminal_residue" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Tensor_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Tensor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Task" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "TA_constraint_parse_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "TA_constraint_parse_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "TA_constraint_conv_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "TA_constraint_comment_org" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "T2" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "T1rho" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "T1" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Systematic_chem_shift_offset" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_type" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_db_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_component" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_common_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Subsystem_biological_function" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Study_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Study_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Study_entry_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Study" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Structure_interaction_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Structure_interaction" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Structure_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_keywords" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_image" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_classification" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_asym" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_anno_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Struct_anno_char" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spin_system_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spin_system" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_transition_general_char" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_transition_char" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_transition" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_processing_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_peak_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_peak_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_dim_transfer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_dim" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_density_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_density_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_density_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_density" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Spectral_acq_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_specific_info_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_specific_info" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_applied_methods" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_applied_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software_applied_history" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Secondary_struct_sel" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Secondary_struct_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Secondary_struct" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_condition_variable" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_condition_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_condition_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_component_atom_isotope" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_component" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Sample" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SG_project" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SAXS_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SAXS_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SAXS_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SAXS_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "SAXS_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Resonance_linker_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Resonance_covalent_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Resonance_assignment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Resonance" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Representative_conformer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Rep_coordinate_details" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Rep_conf_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Rep_conf_refinement" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Rep_conf" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Release" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Related_entries" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Reference_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Reference" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Recoupling_pulse_sequence" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_parse_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_parse_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_conv_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint_comment_org" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "RDC" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_row_format" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_general_char" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_coupling" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_constraint_link_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_constraint_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak_char" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Peak" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_titration_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_titration_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_titration_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_titr_result" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_param_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PH_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PDBX_poly_seq_scheme" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PDBX_nonpoly_scheme" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "PDBX_chem_comp_feature" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_struct_feature_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_struct_feature" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_data_type_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_data_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_data_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_data" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Other_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Org_constr_file_comment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Order_parameter_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Order_parameter_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Order_parameter_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Order_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Observed_conformer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Natural_source_db" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer_view" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer_probe_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer_probe" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectrometer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectral_processing" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spectral_proc_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_spec_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_probe" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_expt_systematic_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_experiment_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "NMR_experiment_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Model_type" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Method_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Method_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Method_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Method" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Matched_entries" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spectrometer_view" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spectrometer_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_ref_compd_set" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_ref_compd" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_config" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_component_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Mass_spec" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_ratio_spectrum_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_ratio_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_ratio_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_ratio_data_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_product_ion_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_product_ion" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_precursor_ion_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MZ_precursor_ion" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_expt_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_expt_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chromatogram_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chromatogram_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chromatogram_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chromatogram_ion" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chromatogram_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "MS_chrom_ion_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Local_structure_quality" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Karplus_equation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "J_three_bond_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "J_three_bond_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "J_three_bond_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "J_three_bond_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Isotope_label_pattern" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Isotope_effect_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Isotope_effect_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Isotope_effect" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Interatomic_distance_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Interatomic_dist" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Homonucl_NOE_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Homonucl_NOE_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Homonucl_NOE_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Homonucl_NOE" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "History" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T2_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T2_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T2_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1rho_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1rho_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1rho_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_T1_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_NOE_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_NOE_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_NOE_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Heteronucl_NOE" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_rate_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_rate_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_rate_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_rate" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_protection_factor_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_protection_factor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_protection_fact_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_exch_protection_fact_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_chem_shift_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_chem_shift_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_chem_shift_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "H_chem_shift_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_software_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_parse_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_parse_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_conv_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint_comment_org" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Gen_dist_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Force_constant_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Force_constant_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Force_constant" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Fluorescence_instrument" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Floating_chirality_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Floating_chirality_assign" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Floating_chirality" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "FRET_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Experimental_data_link_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Experimental_data_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Experiment_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Experiment_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_src" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_proc_cycle" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_prerelease_seq" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_interview" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_experimental_methods" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry_author" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entry" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_systematic_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_purity_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_purity_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_purity" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_poly_seq" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_natural_src_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_natural_src" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_experimental_src_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_experimental_src" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_deleted_atom" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_db_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_comp_index_alt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_comp_index" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_common_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_chimera_segment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_chem_comp_deleted_atom" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_bond" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_biological_function" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_atom_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity_assembly" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Entity" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Energetic_penalty_function" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "EMR_instrument" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "EMR_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Distance_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Distance_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Distance_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_value" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_tree" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_parse_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_parse_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_conv_err" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint_comment_org" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dist_constr_software_setting" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipole_dipole_relax_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipole_dipole_relax_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipole_dipole_relax_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipole_dipole_relax" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipolar_coupling_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipolar_coupling_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipolar_coupling_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Dipolar_coupling" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deposited_data_files" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_secd_struct_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_secd_struct_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_secd_struct_feature" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_secd_struct_exptl" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_secd_struct_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_H_bond_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_H_bond_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_H_bond_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Deduced_H_bond" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Decoupling_pulse_sequence" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Datum" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Data_set" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "D_H_fractionation_factor_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "D_H_fractionation_factor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "D_H_fract_factor_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "D_H_fract_factor_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_D_CSA" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_DD_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_DD_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_DD_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Cross_correlation_DD" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Coupling_constant_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Coupling_constant_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Coupling_constant_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Coupling_constant" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Contact_person" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Constraint_stats_constr_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Constraint_stat_list_rep" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Constraint_stat_list_ens" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Constraint_stat_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Constraint_file" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_stat_list_rep" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_stat_list_ens" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_stat_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_family_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_family_refinement" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_family_coord_set_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conformer_family_coord_set" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conf_stats_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Conf_family_coord_set_constr_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Computing_platform" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Computer_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Computer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Citation_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Citation_editor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Citation_author" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chromatographic_system" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chromatographic_column" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chemical_rate_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chemical_rate_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chemical_rate_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chemical_rate" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_struct_descriptor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shifts_calc_type" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shifts_calc_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_reference" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_ref" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_perturbation_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_perturbation_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_perturbation_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_perturbation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_shift_anisotropy" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_tor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_systematic_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_identifier" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_descriptor" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_db_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_common_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_bond" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_bio_function" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_atom" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_assembly" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_angle" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp_SMILES" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Chem_comp" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Characteristic" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CS_anisotropy_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CS_anisotropy_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CS_anisotropy" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CA_CB_constraint_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CA_CB_constraint_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CA_CB_constraint_expt" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "CA_CB_constraint" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Bond_observed_conformer" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Bond_annotation_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Bond_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Bond" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_value_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_result" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_partners" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_param_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Binding_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "BMRbig_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Auxiliary_files" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Auto_relaxation_software" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Auto_relaxation_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Auto_relaxation_experiment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Auto_relaxation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Author_annotation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Audit" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom_type" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom_sites_footnote" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom_site" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom_nomenclature" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom_chem_shift" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Atom" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assigned_spectral_transition" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assigned_peak_chem_shift" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assigned_chem_shift_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_type" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_systematic_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_subsystem" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_segment_description" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_segment" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_keyword" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_interaction" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_db_link" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_common_name" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_citation" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_bio_function" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly_annotation_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Assembly" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Angular_order_parameter_list" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Angular_order_param" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Angle" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift" CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.validationlinks CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.val_overrides CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.validationoverrides CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.val_item_tbl CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.val_enums CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.tag_cats CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.sfcats CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.query_interface CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.printflags CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.validator_printflags CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.nmrcifmatch CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.enumerations CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.extra_enums CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.dict CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.ddltypes CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.comments CASCADE; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dict.cat_grp CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.validator_sfcats CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditsupergrp CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditmanoverride CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditenumtie CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditenumhdr CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditenumdtl CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.aditcatgrp CASCADE; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dict.adit_item_tbl CASCADE; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS web CASCADE; DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS dict CASCADE; -- -- Name: dict; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE SCHEMA dict; -- -- Name: macromolecules; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: - -- -- -- Name: web; Type: SCHEMA; Schema: -; Owner: - -- CREATE SCHEMA web; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_with_oids = false; -- -- Name: adit_item_tbl; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.adit_item_tbl ( dictionaryseq integer NOT NULL, originalcategory text NOT NULL, aditcatmanflg text NOT NULL, aditcatviewtype text NOT NULL, aditsupercatid text NOT NULL, aditsupercatname text NOT NULL, aditcatgrpid text NOT NULL, aditcatviewname text, aditinitialrows integer, originaltag text NOT NULL, aditexists text, aditviewflags text NOT NULL, enumeratedflg text, itemenumclosedflg text, adititemviewname text, aditformcode integer, dbtype text NOT NULL, bmrbtype text, dbnullable text, internalflag text, rowindexflg text, lclidflg text, lclsfidflg text, sfidflg text, sfnameflg text, sfcategoryflg text, sfpointerflg text, primarykey text, foreignkeygroup text, foreigntable text, foreigncolumn text, refkeygroup text, reftable text, refcolumn text, indexflag text, dbtablemanual text, dbcolumnmanual text, tagcategory text NOT NULL, tagfield text NOT NULL, loopflag text, seq integer NOT NULL, dbflg text, validateflgs text, valoverrideflgs text, defaultvalue text, bmrbpdbmatchid text, bmrbpdbtransfunc text, variabletypematch text, entryidflg text, outputmapexistsflg text, aditautoinsert integer, datumcountflgs text, metadataflgs text, tagdeleteflgs text, example text, help text, description text, prompt text, definition text ); -- -- Name: aditcatgrp; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditcatgrp ( supergrpid integer NOT NULL, supergrpname text NOT NULL, groupid integer, sfcategory text NOT NULL, mandatorynumber integer, aditreplicable text, allowuserfcode text, validateflgs text, aditviewflgs text, mandatorytagcats text, catgrpviewname text NOT NULL, catgrpviewhelp text ); -- -- Name: aditenumdtl; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditenumdtl ( enumid text NOT NULL, seq integer, value text NOT NULL, detail text ); -- -- Name: aditenumhdr; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditenumhdr ( enumid text NOT NULL, sfcategory text NOT NULL, originaltag text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: aditenumtie; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditenumtie ( categoryid text NOT NULL, itemname text NOT NULL, enumcategoryid text NOT NULL, enumitemname text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: aditmanoverride; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditmanoverride ( orderofoperations integer NOT NULL, sfcategory text NOT NULL, categoryid text NOT NULL, itemname text NOT NULL, newviewmandatorycode text NOT NULL, conditionalcatid text, conditionalitemname text, conditionalitemvalue text ); -- -- Name: aditsupergrp; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.aditsupergrp ( supergrpid integer NOT NULL, supergrpname text NOT NULL, viewflags text NOT NULL, description text ); -- -- Name: validator_sfcats; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.validator_sfcats ( sfcategory text NOT NULL, order_num integer NOT NULL, internalflag text NOT NULL, printflag text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: cat_grp; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.cat_grp AS SELECT v.order_num, v.order_num AS groupid, v.sfcategory, CASE WHEN (upper(a.aditreplicable) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS replicable, v.internalflag, v.printflag FROM (dict.validator_sfcats v JOIN dict.aditcatgrp a ON ((a.sfcategory = v.sfcategory))); -- -- Name: comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.comments ( comment text, everyflag character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar NOT NULL, sfcategory character varying(90) NOT NULL, tagname character varying(90) ); -- -- Name: ddltypes; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.ddltypes ( ddltype character varying(32) NOT NULL, regexp character varying(384) NOT NULL, description text ); -- -- Name: dict; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.dict AS SELECT adit_item_tbl.dictionaryseq, adit_item_tbl.originalcategory, adit_item_tbl.aditcatmanflg, adit_item_tbl.aditcatviewtype, adit_item_tbl.aditsupercatid, adit_item_tbl.aditsupercatname, adit_item_tbl.aditcatgrpid, adit_item_tbl.aditcatviewname, adit_item_tbl.aditinitialrows, adit_item_tbl.originaltag, adit_item_tbl.aditexists, adit_item_tbl.aditviewflags, adit_item_tbl.enumeratedflg, adit_item_tbl.itemenumclosedflg, adit_item_tbl.adititemviewname, adit_item_tbl.aditformcode, adit_item_tbl.dbtype, adit_item_tbl.bmrbtype, adit_item_tbl.dbnullable, adit_item_tbl.internalflag, adit_item_tbl.rowindexflg, adit_item_tbl.lclidflg, adit_item_tbl.lclsfidflg, adit_item_tbl.sfidflg, adit_item_tbl.sfnameflg, adit_item_tbl.sfcategoryflg, adit_item_tbl.sfpointerflg, adit_item_tbl.primarykey, adit_item_tbl.foreignkeygroup, adit_item_tbl.foreigntable, adit_item_tbl.foreigncolumn, adit_item_tbl.refkeygroup, adit_item_tbl.reftable, adit_item_tbl.refcolumn, adit_item_tbl.indexflag, adit_item_tbl.dbtablemanual, adit_item_tbl.dbcolumnmanual, adit_item_tbl.tagcategory, adit_item_tbl.tagfield, adit_item_tbl.loopflag, adit_item_tbl.seq, adit_item_tbl.dbflg, adit_item_tbl.validateflgs, adit_item_tbl.valoverrideflgs, adit_item_tbl.defaultvalue, adit_item_tbl.bmrbpdbmatchid, adit_item_tbl.bmrbpdbtransfunc, adit_item_tbl.variabletypematch, adit_item_tbl.entryidflg, adit_item_tbl.outputmapexistsflg, adit_item_tbl.aditautoinsert, adit_item_tbl.datumcountflgs, adit_item_tbl.metadataflgs, adit_item_tbl.tagdeleteflgs, adit_item_tbl.example, adit_item_tbl.help, adit_item_tbl.description, adit_item_tbl.prompt, adit_item_tbl.definition FROM dict.adit_item_tbl; -- -- Name: extra_enums; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.extra_enums ( tagseq integer NOT NULL, val text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: enumerations; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.enumerations AS SELECT t.dictionaryseq AS seq, d.value AS val FROM ((dict.adit_item_tbl t JOIN dict.aditenumhdr h ON (((h.originaltag = t.originaltag) AND (h.sfcategory = t.originalcategory)))) JOIN dict.aditenumdtl d ON ((d.enumid = h.enumid))) UNION SELECT extra_enums.tagseq AS seq, extra_enums.val FROM dict.extra_enums; -- -- Name: nmrcifmatch; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.nmrcifmatch ( bmrbpdbmatchid character varying(80), bmrbpdbtransfunc character varying(80), tagcategory character varying(80) NOT NULL, tagfield character varying(80) NOT NULL, originaltag character varying(80) NOT NULL, variabletypematch character varying(80), entryidflg character(1), outputmapexistsflg character(1) ); -- -- Name: validator_printflags; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.validator_printflags ( dictionaryseq integer NOT NULL, printflag text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: printflags; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.printflags AS SELECT validator_printflags.dictionaryseq, validator_printflags.printflag FROM dict.validator_printflags; -- -- Name: query_interface; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.query_interface ( dictionaryseq integer NOT NULL, tagcategory text NOT NULL, tagfield text NOT NULL, taginterfaceflag text, prompt text ); -- -- Name: sfcats; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.sfcats AS SELECT validator_sfcats.sfcategory, validator_sfcats.order_num, validator_sfcats.internalflag, validator_sfcats.printflag FROM dict.validator_sfcats; -- -- Name: tag_cats; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.tag_cats AS SELECT DISTINCT aditcatgrp.sfcategory, aditcatgrp.mandatorytagcats AS tagcategory FROM dict.aditcatgrp WHERE (aditcatgrp.mandatorytagcats IS NOT NULL); -- -- Name: val_enums; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.val_enums AS SELECT enumerations.seq AS tagseq, enumerations.val FROM dict.enumerations WHERE ((enumerations.val IS NOT NULL) AND (enumerations.val <> '.'::text) AND (enumerations.val <> '?'::text)); -- -- Name: val_item_tbl; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.val_item_tbl AS SELECT v.dictionaryseq, a.originalcategory, a.originaltag, a.tagcategory, a.tagfield, a.bmrbtype AS ddltype, CASE WHEN (upper(a.dbtype) ~~ 'DATE%'::text) THEN 'DATE'::text ELSE upper(a.dbtype) END AS dbtype, CASE WHEN (upper(a.dbnullable) = 'NOT NULL'::text) THEN 'N'::text ELSE 'Y'::text END AS dbnullable, CASE WHEN (upper(a.primarykey) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS primarykey, a.refkeygroup, a.reftable, a.refcolumn, a.defaultvalue, CASE WHEN (upper(a.loopflag) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS loopflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.rowindexflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS rowindexflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.lclidflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS localkeyflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.lclsfidflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS localsfidflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.sfidflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS sfidflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.sfnameflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS sfnameflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.sfcategoryflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS sfcategoryflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.sfpointerflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS sfpointerflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.entryidflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS entryidflag, CASE WHEN (a.datumcountflgs = '?'::text) THEN NULL::text ELSE a.datumcountflgs END AS datumcountflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.itemenumclosedflg) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS enumclosedflag, CASE WHEN (upper(a.internalflag) = 'Y'::text) THEN 'Y'::text ELSE 'N'::text END AS internalflag, v.printflag FROM (dict.adit_item_tbl a JOIN dict.validator_printflags v ON ((v.dictionaryseq = a.dictionaryseq))); -- -- Name: validationoverrides; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.validationoverrides ( num integer NOT NULL, depsfcat character varying(90), deptagcat character varying(60), deptag character varying(90), dbnullable character varying(8), ctltagcat character varying(60), ctltag character varying(90), val text ); -- -- Name: val_overrides; Type: VIEW; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE VIEW dict.val_overrides AS SELECT validationoverrides.ctltagcat, validationoverrides.ctltag, validationoverrides.val, CASE WHEN (upper((validationoverrides.dbnullable)::text) = 'NOT NULL'::text) THEN 'N'::text ELSE 'Y'::text END AS dbnullable, validationoverrides.depsfcat, validationoverrides.deptagcat, validationoverrides.deptag FROM dict.validationoverrides WHERE (((validationoverrides.ctltag)::text <> '_Entry_interview.BMRB_deposition'::text) AND ((validationoverrides.ctltag)::text <> '_Entry_interview.PDB_deposition'::text) AND ((validationoverrides.deptag)::text <> '*'::text)); -- -- Name: validationlinks; Type: TABLE; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE dict.validationlinks ( ctlsfcategory character varying(80) NOT NULL, ctltag character varying(80), ctlvalue text, depsfcategory character varying(80) NOT NULL, deptag character varying(80) NOT NULL, validateflags character varying(6) NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Ambiguous_atom_chem_shift" ( "Ambiguous_shift_set_ID" text, "Atom_chem_shift_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Angle; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Angle" ( "ID" text, "Angle_name" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Entity_label_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Comp_label_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Entity_label_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Comp_label_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Entity_label_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Comp_label_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_type_3" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Angular_order_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Angular_order_param" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Phi_S_angle_val" character varying(63), "Psi_S_angle_val" character varying(63), "Chi_1_S_angle_val" character varying(63), "Chi_2_S_angle_val" character varying(63), "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Angular_order_parameter_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Angular_order_parameter_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Angular_order_parameter_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "BMRB_code" text, "Number_of_components" text, "Organic_ligands" text, "Metal_ions" text, "Non_standard_bonds" text, "Ambiguous_conformational_states" text, "Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites" text, "Molecules_in_chemical_exchange" text, "Paramagnetic" text, "Thiol_state" text, "Molecular_mass" character varying(63), "Enzyme_commission_number" text, "Details" text, "DB_query_date" text, "DB_query_revised_last_date" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_annotation_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_annotation_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Source" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_bio_function; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_bio_function" ( "Biological_function" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_common_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_common_name" ( "Name" text, "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_db_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_db_link" ( "Author_supplied" text, "Database_code" text, "Accession_code" text, "Entry_mol_code" text, "Entry_mol_name" text, "Entry_experimental_method" text, "Entry_structure_resolution" character varying(63), "Entry_relation_type" text, "Entry_details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_interaction; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_interaction" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Mol_interaction_type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_keyword" ( "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_segment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_segment" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_label" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_segment_description; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_segment_description" ( "Assembly_segment_ID" text, "Code" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_subsystem; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_subsystem" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "CAS_name" text, "CAS_registry_number" text, "Enzyme_commission_number" text, "Molecular_mass" character varying(63), "Details" text, "DB_query_date" text, "DB_last_query_revised_last_date" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_systematic_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_systematic_name" ( "Name" text, "Naming_system" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assembly_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assembly_type" ( "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assigned_chem_shift_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assigned_chem_shift_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Chem_shift_reference_ID" text, "Chem_shift_reference_label" text, "Chem_shift_1H_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_13C_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_15N_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_31P_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_2H_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_19F_err" character varying(63), "Error_derivation_method" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Assigned_peak_chem_shift; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assigned_peak_chem_shift" ( "Peak_ID" text, "Spectral_dim_ID" text, "Set_ID" text, "Magnetization_linkage_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Contribution_fractional_val" character varying(63), "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text, "Atom_chem_shift_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Ambiguity_code" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID" text, "Auth_atom_peak_num" text, "Auth_entity_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID" text, "Auth_amb_atom_grp_ID" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Assigned_spectral_transition; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Assigned_spectral_transition" ( "Spectral_transition_ID" text, "Spectral_dim_ID" text, "Contribution_fractional_val" character varying(63), "Peak_ID" text, "Set_ID" text, "Magnetization_linkage_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text, "Atom_chem_shift_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom" ( "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_type_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Type_symbol" text, "PDB_one_letter_code" text, "PDB_strand_ID" text, "PDB_ins_code" text, "PDB_asym_ID" text, "PDB_seq_ID" text, "PDB_comp_ID" text, "PDB_group" text, "PDB_atom_ID" text, "PDB_atom_type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom_chem_shift; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom_chem_shift" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_asym_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Assign_fig_of_merit" character varying(63), "Ambiguity_code" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID" text, "Occupancy" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "PDB_record_ID" text, "PDB_model_num" text, "PDB_strand_ID" text, "PDB_ins_code" text, "PDB_residue_no" text, "PDB_residue_name" text, "PDB_atom_name" text, "Original_PDB_strand_ID" text, "Original_PDB_residue_no" text, "Original_PDB_residue_name" text, "Original_PDB_atom_name" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom_nomenclature; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom_nomenclature" ( "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_name" text, "Naming_system" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom_site; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom_site" ( "Assembly_ID" text, "Model_ID" text, "Model_site_ID" text, "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Label_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Label_entity_ID" text, "Label_comp_index_ID" text, "Label_comp_ID" text, "Label_atom_ID" text, "Type_symbol" text, "Cartn_x" character varying(63), "Cartn_y" character varying(63), "Cartn_z" character varying(63), "Cartn_x_esd" character varying(63), "Cartn_y_esd" character varying(63), "Cartn_z_esd" character varying(63), "Occupancy" character varying(63), "Occupancy_esd" character varying(63), "Uncertainty" character varying(63), "Ordered_flag" text, "Footnote_ID" text, "PDBX_label_asym_ID" text, "PDBX_label_seq_ID" text, "PDBX_label_comp_ID" text, "PDBX_label_atom_ID" text, "PDBX_formal_charge" text, "PDBX_label_entity_ID" text, "PDB_record_ID" text, "PDB_model_num" text, "PDB_strand_ID" text, "PDB_ins_code" text, "PDB_residue_no" text, "PDB_residue_name" text, "PDB_atom_name" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_chain_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Auth_alt_ID" text, "Auth_atom_name" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom_sites_footnote; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom_sites_footnote" ( "Footnote_ID" text, "Text" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Atom_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Atom_type" ( "ID" text, "Symbol" text, "Atomic_number" text, "Isotope_number" text, "Oxidation_number" text, "Paramagnetic" text, "Electron_configuration" text, "Unpaired_electron_number" text, "Atomic_mass" character varying(63), "Van_der_Vaals_radii" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Audit; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Audit" ( "Revision_ID" text, "Creation_date" text, "Update_record" text, "Creation_method" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Author_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Author_annotation" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID_start" text, "Comp_index_ID_end" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Seq_ID_start" text, "Seq_ID_end" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Annotation_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_annotation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Auto_relaxation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Auto_relaxation" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Auto_relaxation_val" character varying(63), "Auto_relaxation_val_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Auto_relaxation_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Auto_relaxation_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Auto_relaxation_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Auto_relaxation_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Common_relaxation_type_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Temp_calibration_method" text, "Temp_control_method" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Exact_field_strength" character varying(63), "Relaxation_coherence_type" text, "Relaxation_val_units" text, "Rex_units" text, "Rex_field_strength" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Auto_relaxation_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Auto_relaxation_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Auxiliary_files; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Auxiliary_files" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Format" text, "URI" text, "DOI" text, "Path" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: BMRbig_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "BMRbig_link" ( "BMRbig_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Binding_value_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_param" ( "ID" text, "Binding_result_ID" text, "Concentration_val" character varying(63), "Concentration_val_err" character varying(63), "Concentration_val_units" text, "Observed_param_val" character varying(63), "Observed_param_val_err" character varying(63), "Observed_param" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Binding_param_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_param_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_param_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Binding_value_list_ID" text, "Binding_value_list_label" text, "Concentration_val_units" text, "Observed_param" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_partners; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_partners" ( "Binding_result_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_name" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Binding_value_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_result" ( "ID" text, "Experiment_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Atm_obs_assembly_atom_ID" text, "Atm_obs_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_obs_entity_ID" text, "Atm_obs_comp_index_ID" text, "Atm_obs_seq_ID" text, "Atm_obs_comp_ID" text, "Atm_obs_atom_ID" text, "Atm_obs_atom_type" text, "Atm_obs_atom_isotope_number" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_seq_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_comp_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_atom_ID" text, "Expt_observed_param" text, "Val_type" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Binding_value_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Binding_value_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Binding_value_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Binding_value_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Bond; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Bond" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Value_order" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_name_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_name_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_name_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_name_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Bond_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Bond_annotation" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Value_order" text, "Selection_method_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Details" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Bond_annotation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Bond_annotation_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Bond_annotation_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Bond_observed_conformer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Bond_observed_conformer" ( "Bond_annotation_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text, "Atom_site_model_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Bond_annotation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CA_CB_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CA_CB_constraint" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_type_3" text, "Resonance_ID_3" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_4" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Entity_ID_4" text, "Comp_index_ID_4" text, "Seq_ID_4" text, "Comp_ID_4" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Atom_type_4" text, "Resonance_ID_4" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_5" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_5" text, "Entity_ID_5" text, "Comp_index_ID_5" text, "Seq_ID_5" text, "Comp_ID_5" text, "Atom_ID_5" text, "Atom_type_5" text, "Resonance_ID_5" text, "CA_chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "CA_chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "CB_chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "CB_chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Source_experiment_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_3" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Auth_seq_ID_3" text, "Auth_comp_ID_3" text, "Auth_atom_ID_3" text, "Auth_asym_ID_4" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Auth_seq_ID_4" text, "Auth_comp_ID_4" text, "Auth_atom_ID_4" text, "Auth_asym_ID_5" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_5" text, "Auth_seq_ID_5" text, "Auth_comp_ID_5" text, "Auth_atom_ID_5" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "CA_CB_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CA_CB_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CA_CB_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "CA_CB_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CA_CB_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CA_CB_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Data_file_format" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: CA_CB_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CA_CB_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "CA_CB_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CS_anisotropy; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CS_anisotropy" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Principal_value_sigma_11_val" character varying(63), "Principal_value_sigma_22_val" character varying(63), "Principal_value_sigma_33_val" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_alpha_val" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_beta_val" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_gamma_val" character varying(63), "Bond_length" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_anisotropy_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CS_anisotropy_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CS_anisotropy_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_anisotropy_ID" text ); -- -- Name: CS_anisotropy_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "CS_anisotropy_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_anisotropy_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Characteristic; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Characteristic" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Chemical_group" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Source" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Provenance" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "BMRB_code" text, "PDB_code" text, "Ambiguous_flag" text, "Initial_date" text, "Modified_date" text, "Release_status" text, "Replaced_by" text, "Replaces" text, "One_letter_code" text, "Three_letter_code" text, "Number_atoms_all" text, "Number_atoms_nh" text, "Atom_nomenclature_source" text, "PubChem_code" text, "Subcomponent_list" text, "InChI_code" text, "Mon_nstd_flag" text, "Mon_nstd_class" text, "Mon_nstd_details" text, "Mon_nstd_parent" text, "Mon_nstd_parent_comp_ID" text, "Std_deriv_one_letter_code" text, "Std_deriv_three_letter_code" text, "Std_deriv_BMRB_code" text, "Std_deriv_PDB_code" text, "Std_deriv_chem_comp_name" text, "Synonyms" text, "Formal_charge" text, "Paramagnetic" text, "Aromatic" text, "Formula" text, "Formula_weight" character varying(63), "Formula_mono_iso_wt_nat" character varying(63), "Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C" character varying(63), "Formula_mono_iso_wt_15N" character varying(63), "Formula_mono_iso_wt_13C_15N" character varying(63), "Image_file_name" text, "Image_file_format" text, "Topo_file_name" text, "Topo_file_format" text, "Struct_file_name" text, "Struct_file_format" text, "Stereochem_param_file_name" text, "Stereochem_param_file_format" text, "Model_details" text, "Model_erf" text, "Model_source" text, "Model_coordinates_details" text, "Model_coordinates_missing_flag" text, "Ideal_coordinates_details" text, "Ideal_coordinates_missing_flag" text, "Model_coordinates_db_code" text, "Processing_site" text, "Vendor" text, "Vendor_product_code" text, "Details" text, "DB_query_date" text, "DB_last_query_revised_last_date" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_SMILES; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_SMILES" ( "Type" text, "String" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_angle; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_angle" ( "ID" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_assembly; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_assembly" ( "Assembly_chem_comp_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_variant_ID" text, "Sequence_linking" text, "Cis_residue" text, "NEF_index" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_atom; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_atom" ( "Atom_ID" text, "BMRB_code" text, "PDB_atom_ID" text, "Alt_atom_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Type_symbol" text, "Isotope_number" text, "Chirality" text, "Stereo_config" text, "Charge" text, "Partial_charge" character varying(63), "Oxidation_number" text, "Unpaired_electron_number" text, "Align" text, "Aromatic_flag" text, "Leaving_atom_flag" text, "Substruct_code" text, "Ionizable" text, "Drawing_2D_coord_x" character varying(63), "Drawing_2D_coord_y" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_x" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_x_esd" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_y" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_y_esd" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_z" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_z_esd" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_x_ideal" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_y_ideal" character varying(63), "Model_Cartn_z_ideal" character varying(63), "PDBX_ordinal" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_bio_function; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_bio_function" ( "Biological_function" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_bond; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_bond" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Value_order" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Aromatic_flag" text, "Stereo_config" text, "Ordinal" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_common_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_common_name" ( "Name" text, "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_db_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_db_link" ( "Author_supplied" text, "Database_code" text, "Accession_code" text, "Accession_code_type" text, "Entry_mol_code" text, "Entry_mol_name" text, "Entry_experimental_method" text, "Entry_relation_type" text, "Entry_details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_descriptor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_descriptor" ( "Descriptor" text, "Type" text, "Program" text, "Program_version" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_identifier; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_identifier" ( "Identifier" text, "Type" text, "Program" text, "Program_version" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_keyword" ( "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_systematic_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_systematic_name" ( "Name" text, "Naming_system" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_comp_tor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_comp_tor" ( "ID" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_anisotropy; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_anisotropy" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Isotope_effect_type" text, "Isotope_effect_val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_perturbation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_perturbation" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Titration_value" character varying(63), "Titration_value_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Difference_chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Difference_chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_perturbation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_perturbation_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_perturbation_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_perturbation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_perturbation_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_perturbation_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Type" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Titrated_entity_assembly_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Chem_shift_ref_set_ID" text, "Chem_shift_ref_set_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_perturbation_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_perturbation_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_perturbation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_ref; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_ref" ( "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Mol_common_name" text, "Atom_group" text, "Concentration_val" character varying(63), "Concentration_units" text, "Solvent" text, "Rank" text, "Chem_shift_units" text, "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Ref_method" text, "Ref_type" text, "Indirect_shift_ratio" character varying(63), "External_ref_loc" text, "External_ref_sample_geometry" text, "External_ref_axis" text, "Indirect_shift_ratio_cit_ID" text, "Indirect_shift_ratio_cit_label" text, "Ref_correction_type" text, "Correction_val" character varying(63), "Correction_val_cit_ID" text, "Correction_val_cit_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_reference_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_reference; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_reference" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Proton_shifts_flag" text, "Carbon_shifts_flag" text, "Nitrogen_shifts_flag" text, "Phosphorus_shifts_flag" text, "Other_shifts_flag" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shift_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shift_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shifts_calc_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shifts_calc_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shifts_calc_type_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_shifts_calc_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_shifts_calc_type" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Calculation_level" text, "Quantum_mechanical_method" text, "Quantum_mechanical_theory_level" text, "Quantum_mechanical_basis_set" text, "Chem_shift_nucleus" text, "Modeled_sample_cond_list_ID" text, "Modeled_sample_cond_list_label" text, "Chem_shift_reference_ID" text, "Chem_shift_reference_label" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Chem_struct_descriptor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chem_struct_descriptor" ( "ID" text, "Descriptor" text, "Type" text, "Count" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chemical_rate; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chemical_rate" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val_type" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chemical_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chemical_rate_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chemical_rate_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chemical_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chemical_rate_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chemical_rate_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Chemical_rate_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chemical_rate_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chemical_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Chromatographic_column; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chromatographic_column" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Vendor" text, "Type" text, "Packing_material" text, "Packing_material_pore_size" character varying(63), "Width" character varying(63), "Length" character varying(63) ); -- -- Name: Chromatographic_system; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Chromatographic_system" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Pump_manufacturer" text, "Pump_model" text, "Pump_serial_number" text, "Autosampler_manufacturer" text, "Autosampler_model" text, "Autosampler_serial_number" text, "Col_compartment_manufacturer" text, "Col_compartment_model" text, "Col_compartment_serial_number" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Citation" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Class" text, "CAS_abstract_code" text, "MEDLINE_UI_code" text, "PubMed_ID" text, "DOI" text, "Full_citation" text, "Title" text, "Status" text, "Type" text, "Journal_abbrev" text, "Journal_name_full" text, "Journal_volume" text, "Journal_issue" text, "Journal_ASTM" text, "Journal_ISSN" text, "Journal_CSD" text, "Book_title" text, "Book_chapter_title" text, "Book_volume" text, "Book_series" text, "Book_publisher" text, "Book_publisher_city" text, "Book_ISBN" text, "Conference_title" text, "Conference_site" text, "Conference_state_province" text, "Conference_country" text, "Conference_start_date" text, "Conference_end_date" text, "Conference_abstract_number" text, "Thesis_institution" text, "Thesis_institution_city" text, "Thesis_institution_country" text, "WWW_URL" text, "Page_first" text, "Page_last" text, "Year" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Citation_author; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Citation_author" ( "Ordinal" text, "Given_name" text, "Family_name" text, "First_initial" text, "Middle_initials" text, "Family_title" text, "ORCID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Citation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Citation_editor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Citation_editor" ( "Ordinal" text, "Given_name" text, "Family_name" text, "First_initial" text, "Middle_initials" text, "Family_title" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Citation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Citation_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Citation_keyword" ( "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Citation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Computer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Computer" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Operating_system" text, "Operating_system_version" text, "Hardware_code" text ); -- -- Name: Computer_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Computer_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Computer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Computing_platform; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Computing_platform" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Reference_ID" text, "Site" text, "Site_reference_ID" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Conf_family_coord_set_constr_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conf_family_coord_set_constr_list" ( "Constraint_list_category" text, "Constraint_list_ID" text, "Constraint_list_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conf_stats_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conf_stats_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_family_coord_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_family_coord_set" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "File_name" text, "Constraints_PDB_file_ID" text, "PDB_accession_code" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Atom_site_uncertainty_desc" text, "Atom_site_ordered_flag_desc" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_family_coord_set_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_family_coord_set_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_family_refinement; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_family_refinement" ( "Refine_method" text, "Refine_details" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_family_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_family_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_stat_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_stat_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Conformer_ensemble_only" text, "Both_ensemble_and_rep_conformer" text, "Representative_conformer_only" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text, "Original_conformer_stats_file_ID" text, "Conf_family_coord_set_ID" text, "Conf_family_coord_set_label" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_label" text, "Conformer_calculated_total_num" text, "Conformer_submitted_total_num" text, "Conformer_selection_criteria" text, "Representative_conformer" text, "Rep_conformer_selection_criteria" text, "Statistical_struct_param_details" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_stat_list_ens; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_stat_list_ens" ( "Stats_not_available" text, "Ramachan_most_favored_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_allowed_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_gen_allowed_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_disallowed_pct" character varying(63), "Total_E_value_" character varying(63), "Total_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Bond_E_value" character varying(63), "Bond_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Angle_E_value" character varying(63), "Angle_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Improper_E_value" character varying(63), "Improper_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Van_der_Waals_E_value" character varying(63), "Van_der_Waals_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Torsional_angle_E_value" character varying(63), "Torsional_angle_E_value_err" character varying(63), "NCS_E_value" character varying(63), "NCS_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Lennard_Jones_E_value" character varying(63), "Lennard_Jones_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Covalent_bond_rmsd" character varying(63), "Covalent_bond_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Bond_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Bond_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Improper_torsion_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Improper_torsion_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Peptide_planarity_rmsd" character varying(63), "Peptide_planarity_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Atm_coord_avg_rmsd_calc_method" character varying(63), "BB_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd" character varying(63), "BB_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "BB_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev" character varying(63), "BB_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev_err" character varying(63), "BB_hvy_atm_residues_included" text, "BB_hvy_atm_exclusions" text, "SC_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd" character varying(63), "SC_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "SC_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev" character varying(63), "SC_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev_err" character varying(63), "SC_hvy_atm_residues_included" text, "SC_hvy_atm_exclusions" text, "All_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd" character varying(63), "All_hvy_atm_coord_avg_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "All_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev" character varying(63), "All_hvy_atm_coord_std_dev_err" character varying(63), "All_hvy_atm_residues_included" text, "All_hvy_atm_exclusions" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Conformer_stat_list_rep; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Conformer_stat_list_rep" ( "Stats_not_available" text, "Ramachan_most_favored_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_allowed_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_gen_allowed_pct" character varying(63), "Ramachan_disallowed_pct" character varying(63), "Total_E_value" character varying(63), "Total_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Bond_E_value" character varying(63), "Bond_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Angle_E_value" character varying(63), "Angle_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Impropers_E_value" character varying(63), "Impropers_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Van_der_Waals_E_val" character varying(63), "Van_der_Waals_E_val_err" character varying(63), "NOE_E_value" character varying(63), "NOE_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Torsional_E_value" character varying(63), "Torsional_E_value_err" character varying(63), "NCS_E_value" character varying(63), "NCS_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Lennard_Jones_E_value" character varying(63), "Lennard_Jones_E_value_err" character varying(63), "Bond_rmsd" character varying(63), "Bond_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Improper_torsion_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Improper_torsion_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Peptide_planarity_rmsd" character varying(63), "Peptide_planarity_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Struct_figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Struct_figure_of_merit_func_form" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Constraint_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Constraint_file" ( "ID" text, "Constraint_filename" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Software_name" text, "Block_ID" text, "Constraint_type" text, "Constraint_subtype" text, "Constraint_subsubtype" text, "Constraint_number" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Constraint_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Constraint_stat_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Constraint_stat_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text, "Stats_not_available" text, "NOE_interproton_dist_evaluation" text, "NOE_pseudoatom_corrections" text, "NOE_dist_averaging_method" text, "ROE_interproton_dist_evaluation" text, "ROE_pseudoatom_corrections" text, "ROE_dist_averaging_method" text, "NOE_tot_num" text, "RDC_tot_num" text, "Dihedral_angle_tot_num" text, "Protein_dihedral_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_dihedral_angle_tot_num" text, "NOE_intraresidue_tot_num" text, "NOE_sequential_tot_num" text, "NOE_medium_range_tot_num" text, "NOE_long_range_tot_num" text, "NOE_unique_tot_num" text, "NOE_intraresidue_unique_tot_num" text, "NOE_sequential_unique_tot_num" text, "NOE_medium_range_unique_tot_num" text, "NOE_long_range_unique_tot_num" text, "NOE_unamb_intramol_tot_num" text, "NOE_unamb_intermol_tot_num" text, "NOE_ambig_intramol_tot_num" text, "NOE_ambig_intermol_tot_num" text, "NOE_interentity_tot_num" text, "NOE_other_tot_num" text, "ROE_tot_num" text, "ROE_intraresidue_tot_num" text, "ROE_sequential_tot_num" text, "ROE_medium_range_tot_num" text, "ROE_long_range_tot_num" text, "ROE_unambig_intramol_tot_num" text, "ROE_unambig_intermol_tot_num" text, "ROE_ambig_intramol_tot_num" text, "ROE_ambig_intermol_tot_num" text, "ROE_other_tot_num" text, "RDC_HH_tot_num" text, "RDC_HNC_tot_num" text, "RDC_NH_tot_num" text, "RDC_CC_tot_num" text, "RDC_CN_i_1_tot_num" text, "RDC_CAHA_tot_num" text, "RDC_HNHA_tot_num" text, "RDC_HNHA_i_1_tot_num" text, "RDC_CAC_tot_num" text, "RDC_CAN_tot_num" text, "RDC_intraresidue_tot_num" text, "RDC_sequential_tot_num" text, "RDC_medium_range_tot_num" text, "RDC_long_range_tot_num" text, "RDC_other_tot_num" text, "RDC_unambig_intramol_tot_num" text, "RDC_unambig_intermol_tot_num" text, "RDC_ambig_intramol_tot_num" text, "RDC_ambig_intermol_tot_num" text, "RDC_intermol_tot_num" text, "Protein_phi_angle_tot_num" text, "Protein_psi_angle_tot_num" text, "Protein_chi_one_angle_tot_num" text, "Protein_other_angle_tot_num" text, "Protein_ambig_dihedral_tot_num" text, "Protein_other_tot_num" text, "NA_alpha_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_beta_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_gamma_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_delta_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_epsilon_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_chi_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_sugar_pucker_tot_num" text, "NA_other_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_amb_dihedral_angle_tot_num" text, "NA_other_tot_num" text, "H_bonds_constrained_tot_num" text, "Constr_def_H_bonds_tot_num" text, "SS_bonds_constrained_tot_num" text, "Constr_def_SS_bonds_tot_num" text, "Derived_coupling_const_tot_num" text, "Derived_CACB_chem_shift_tot_num" text, "Derived_1H_chem_shifts_tot_num" text, "Derived_photo_cidnps_tot_num" text, "Derived_paramag_relax_tot_num" text, "Assumed_distances_tot_num" text, "Assumed_angles_tot_num" text, "Constraints_per_residue_avg" character varying(63), "Constr_violations_per_residue_avg" character varying(63), "Dist_constr_violat_stat_calc_method" text ); -- -- Name: Constraint_stat_list_ens; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Constraint_stat_list_ens" ( "Constraint_stats_not_available" text, "Dist_constraint_violation_max" character varying(63), "Upper_dist_constr_violat_max" character varying(63), "Lower_dist_constr_violat_max" character varying(63), "Dist_constraint_violation_avg" character varying(63), "All_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "All_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Intraresidue_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Intraresidue_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Sequential_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Sequential_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Short_range_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Short_range_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Long_range_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Long_range_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Hydrogen_bond_rmsd" character varying(63), "Hydrogen_bond_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dihedral_const_stat_calc_meth" text, "Dihedral_const_violat_max" character varying(63), "Dihedral_const_violat_avg" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Constraint_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Constraint_stat_list_rep; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Constraint_stat_list_rep" ( "Constraint_stats_not_available" text, "Dist_constraint_viol_max" character varying(63), "Upper_dist_constr_violat_max" character varying(63), "Lower_dist_constr_violat_max" character varying(63), "Dist_Constraint_violation_avg" character varying(63), "Intraresidue_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Intraresidue_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Sequential_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Sequential_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Short_range_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Short_range_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Long_range_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Long_range_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Unamb_intermol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Amb_intermol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd" character varying(63), "Amb_intramol_dist_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Hydrogen_bond_rmsd" character varying(63), "Hydrogen_bond_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dihedral_angle_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_1H_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_13C_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_1H_15N_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd" character varying(63), "Dipolar_13C_13C_rmsd_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Constraint_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Constraint_stats_constr_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Constraint_stats_constr_list" ( "Constraint_list_category" text, "Constraint_list_ID" text, "Constraint_list_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Constraint_stat_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Contact_person; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Contact_person" ( "ID" text, "Email_address" text, "ORCID" text, "Name_salutation" text, "Given_name" text, "Family_name" text, "Middle_initials" text, "Family_title" text, "Department_and_institution" text, "Country" text, "State_province" text, "City" text, "Postal_code" text, "Mailing_address" text, "Address_1" text, "Address_2" text, "Address_3" text, "Phone_number" text, "FAX_number" text, "Role" text, "Organization_type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Coupling_constant; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Coupling_constant" ( "ID" text, "Code" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Ambiguity_code_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Ambiguity_code_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Coupling_constant_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Coupling_constant_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Coupling_constant_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Coupling_constant_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Coupling_constant_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Coupling_constant_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_DD; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_DD" ( "ID" text, "Dipole_1_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_entity_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_type_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Dipole_1_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_entity_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_type_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Dipole_2_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_entity_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_type_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Dipole_2_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_entity_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_chem_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_type_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Dipole_1_Resonance_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_Resonance_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_Resonance_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_Resonance_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_DD_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_DD_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_DD_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_DD_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_DD_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_DD_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_D_CSA; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_D_CSA" ( "ID" text, "Dipole_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_entity_ID_1" text, "Dipole_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Dipole_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_atom_type_1" text, "Dipole_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Dipole_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_entity_ID_2" text, "Dipole_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Dipole_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_atom_type_2" text, "Dipole_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "CSA_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "CSA_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "CSA_entity_ID_1" text, "CSA_comp_index_ID_1" text, "CSA_seq_ID_1" text, "CSA_comp_ID_1" text, "CSA_atom_ID_1" text, "CSA_atom_type_1" text, "CSA_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "CSA_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "CSA_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "CSA_entity_ID_2" text, "CSA_comp_index_ID_2" text, "CSA_seq_ID_2" text, "CSA_comp_ID_2" text, "CSA_atom_ID_2" text, "CSA_atom_type_2" text, "CSA_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Dipole_resonance_ID_1" text, "Dipole_resonance_ID_2" text, "CSA_resonance_ID_1" text, "CSA_resonance_ID_2" text, "Dipole_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "CSA_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "CSA_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "CSA_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "CSA_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "CSA_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "CSA_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "CSA_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "CSA_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_D_CSA_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Cross_correlation_D_CSA_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Cross_correlation_D_CSA_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: D_H_fract_factor_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "D_H_fract_factor_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "D_H_fractionation_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: D_H_fract_factor_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "D_H_fract_factor_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "D_H_fractionation_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: D_H_fractionation_factor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "D_H_fractionation_factor" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "D_H_fractionation_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: D_H_fractionation_factor_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "D_H_fractionation_factor_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Data_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Data_set" ( "Type" text, "Count" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Datum; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Datum" ( "Type" text, "Count" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Decoupling_pulse_sequence; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Decoupling_pulse_sequence" ( "Name" text, "Time_period" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_H_bond; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_H_bond" ( "ID" text, "Donor_atom_ID" text, "Heavy_atom_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_entity_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_seq_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_comp_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_atom_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_atom_type_1" text, "Heavy_atom_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_entity_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_seq_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_comp_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_atom_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_atom_type_2" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Heavy_atom_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "H_atom_assembly_atom_ID" text, "H_atom_entity_assembly_ID" text, "H_atom_entity_ID" text, "H_atom_comp_index_ID" text, "H_atom_seq_ID" text, "H_atom_comp_ID" text, "H_atom_ID" text, "H_atom_auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "H_atom_auth_seq_ID" text, "H_atom_auth_comp_ID" text, "H_atom_auth_atom_ID" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_hydrogen_bond_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_H_bond_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_H_bond_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_H_bond_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_H_bond_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_H_bond_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_H_bond_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_H_bond_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_H_bond_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_secd_struct_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_secd_struct_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_secd_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_secd_struct_exptl; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_secd_struct_exptl" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID_start" text, "Comp_index_ID_end" text, "Seq_ID_start" text, "Seq_ID_end" text, "Auth_seq_ID_start" text, "Auth_seq_ID_end" text, "Name" text, "Code" text, "Static_field_orientation_angle" character varying(63), "Selection_method_ID" text, "Selection_method_label" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_secd_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_secd_struct_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_secd_struct_feature" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Chem_comp_struct_val" character varying(63), "Chem_comp_struct_element_type" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Spin_system_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_secd_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_secd_struct_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_secd_struct_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Residue_struct_value_details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Deduced_secd_struct_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deduced_secd_struct_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deduced_secd_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Deposited_data_files; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Deposited_data_files" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Atomic_coordinate_file_name" text, "Atomic_coordinate_file_syntax" text, "Constraint_file_name" text, "Constraint_file_syntax" text, "Precheck_flag" text, "Validate_flag" text ); -- -- Name: Dipolar_coupling; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipolar_coupling" ( "ID" text, "Dipolar_coupling_code" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Ambiguity_code_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Ambiguity_code_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_alpha_val" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_beta_val" character varying(63), "Principal_Euler_angle_gamma_val" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipolar_coupling_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dipolar_coupling_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipolar_coupling_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipolar_coupling_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dipolar_coupling_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipolar_coupling_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Scaling_factor" character varying(63), "Fitting_procedure" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Dipolar_coupling_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipolar_coupling_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipolar_coupling_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dipole_dipole_relax; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipole_dipole_relax" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipole_dipole_relax_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dipole_dipole_relax_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipole_dipole_relax_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipole_dipole_relax_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dipole_dipole_relax_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipole_dipole_relax_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Dipole_dipole_relax_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dipole_dipole_relax_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Dipole_dipole_relax_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constr_software_setting; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constr_software_setting" ( "Software_ID" text, "Type" text, "Value" text, "Range" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint" ( "Tree_node_member_constraint_ID" text, "Tree_node_member_node_ID" text, "Contribution_fractional_val" character varying(63), "Constraint_tree_node_member_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_comment_org; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_comment_org" ( "ID" text, "Comment_text" text, "Comment_begin_line" text, "Comment_begin_column" text, "Comment_end_line" text, "Comment_end_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_conv_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_conv_err" ( "ID" text, "Dist_constraint_parse_file_ID" text, "Parse_file_constraint_ID" text, "Conv_error_type" text, "Conv_error_note" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_parse_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_parse_err" ( "ID" text, "Content" text, "Begin_line" text, "Begin_column" text, "End_line" text, "End_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_parse_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_parse_file" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_tree; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_tree" ( "Constraint_ID" text, "Node_ID" text, "Down_node_ID" text, "Right_node_ID" text, "Logic_operation" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Dist_constraint_value; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Dist_constraint_value" ( "Constraint_ID" text, "Tree_node_ID" text, "Source_experiment_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text, "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_lower_val_err" character varying(63), "Intensity_upper_val_err" character varying(63), "Distance_val" character varying(63), "Distance_lower_bound_val" character varying(63), "Distance_upper_bound_val" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Distance_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Distance_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Distance_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Distance_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Constraint_type" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Distance_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Distance_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Distance_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: EMR_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "EMR_expt" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sample_volume" character varying(63), "Sample_volume_units" text, "EMR_instrument_ID" text, "EMR_instrument_label" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: EMR_instrument; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "EMR_instrument" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Type" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text ); -- -- Name: Energetic_penalty_function; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Energetic_penalty_function" ( "Function" text, "Description" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "BMRB_code" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Polymer_common_type" text, "Polymer_type" text, "Polymer_type_details" text, "Polymer_strand_ID" text, "Polymer_seq_one_letter_code_can" text, "Polymer_seq_one_letter_code" text, "Target_identifier" text, "Polymer_author_defined_seq" text, "Polymer_author_seq_details" text, "Ambiguous_conformational_states" text, "Ambiguous_chem_comp_sites" text, "Nstd_monomer" text, "Nstd_chirality" text, "Nstd_linkage" text, "Nonpolymer_comp_ID" text, "Nonpolymer_comp_label" text, "Number_of_monomers" text, "Number_of_nonpolymer_components" text, "Paramagnetic" text, "Thiol_state" text, "Src_method" text, "Parent_entity_ID" text, "Fragment" text, "Mutation" text, "EC_number" text, "Calc_isoelectric_point" character varying(63), "Formula_weight" character varying(63), "Formula_weight_exptl" character varying(63), "Formula_weight_exptl_meth" text, "Details" text, "DB_query_date" text, "DB_query_revised_last_date" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_assembly; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_assembly" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_name" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Asym_ID" text, "PDB_chain_ID" text, "Experimental_data_reported" text, "Physical_state" text, "Conformational_isomer" text, "Chemical_exchange_state" text, "Magnetic_equivalence_group_code" text, "Role" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_atom_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_atom_list" ( "ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_biological_function; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_biological_function" ( "Biological_function" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_bond; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_bond" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Value_order" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_chem_comp_deleted_atom; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_chem_comp_deleted_atom" ( "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_chimera_segment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_chimera_segment" ( "ID" text, "Comp_index_ID_begin" text, "Comp_index_ID_end" text, "Seq_ID_begin" text, "Seq_ID_end" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_common_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_common_name" ( "Name" text, "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_comp_index; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_comp_index" ( "ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_comp_index_alt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_comp_index_alt" ( "Entity_comp_index_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_name" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_db_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_db_link" ( "Ordinal" text, "Author_supplied" text, "Database_code" text, "Accession_code" text, "Entry_mol_code" text, "Entry_mol_name" text, "Entry_experimental_method" text, "Entry_structure_resolution" character varying(63), "Entry_relation_type" text, "Entry_details" text, "Chimera_segment_ID" text, "Seq_query_to_submitted_percent" character varying(63), "Seq_subject_length" text, "Seq_identity" character varying(63), "Seq_positive" character varying(63), "Seq_homology_expectation_val" character varying(63), "Seq_align_begin" text, "Seq_align_end" text, "Seq_difference_details" text, "Seq_alignment_details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_deleted_atom; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_deleted_atom" ( "ID" text, "Entity_atom_list_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_experimental_src; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_experimental_src" ( "ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Entity_chimera_segment_ID" text, "Production_method" text, "Host_org_scientific_name" text, "Host_org_name_common" text, "Host_org_details" text, "Host_org_NCBI_taxonomy_ID" text, "Host_org_genus" text, "Host_org_species" text, "Host_org_strain" text, "Host_org_variant" text, "Host_org_subvariant" text, "Host_org_organ" text, "Host_org_tissue" text, "Host_org_tissue_fraction" text, "Host_org_cell_line" text, "Host_org_cell_type" text, "Host_org_cellular_location" text, "Host_org_organelle" text, "Host_org_gene" text, "Host_org_culture_collection" text, "Host_org_ATCC_number" text, "Vector_type" text, "PDBview_host_org_vector_name" text, "PDBview_plasmid_name" text, "Vector_name" text, "Vector_details" text, "Vendor_name" text, "Host_org_dev_stage" text, "Details" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_experimental_src_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_experimental_src_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_experimental_src_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_keyword" ( "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_natural_src; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_natural_src" ( "ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Entity_chimera_segment_ID" text, "NCBI_taxonomy_ID" text, "Type" text, "Common" text, "Organism_name_scientific" text, "Organism_name_common" text, "Organism_acronym" text, "ICTVdb_decimal_code" text, "Superkingdom" text, "Kingdom" text, "Genus" text, "Species" text, "Strain" text, "Variant" text, "Subvariant" text, "Organ" text, "Tissue" text, "Tissue_fraction" text, "Cell_line" text, "Cell_type" text, "ATCC_number" text, "Organelle" text, "Cellular_location" text, "Fragment" text, "Fraction" text, "Secretion" text, "Plasmid" text, "Plasmid_details" text, "Gene_mnemonic" text, "Dev_stage" text, "Details" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_natural_src_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_natural_src_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_natural_src_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_poly_seq; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_poly_seq" ( "Hetero" text, "Mon_ID" text, "Num" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_purity; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_purity" ( "ID" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Measurement_method" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_purity_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_purity_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_purity_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_purity_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_purity_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_purity_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Entity_systematic_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entity_systematic_name" ( "Name" text, "Naming_system" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Title" text, "Type" text, "Version_type" text, "Submission_date" text, "Accession_date" text, "Last_release_date" text, "Original_release_date" text, "Origination" text, "Format_name" text, "NMR_STAR_version" text, "NMR_STAR_dict_location" text, "Original_NMR_STAR_version" text, "Experimental_method" text, "Experimental_method_subtype" text, "Source_data_format" text, "Source_data_format_version" text, "Generated_software_name" text, "Generated_software_version" text, "Generated_software_ID" text, "Generated_software_label" text, "Generated_date" text, "DOI" text, "UUID" text, "Related_coordinate_file_name" text, "Dep_release_code_coordinates" text, "Dep_release_code_nmr_constraints" text, "Dep_release_code_chemical_shifts" text, "Dep_release_code_nmr_exptl" text, "Dep_release_code_sequence" text, "CASP_target" text, "Details" text, "Special_processing_instructions" text, "Update_BMRB_accession_code" text, "Replace_BMRB_accession_code" text, "Update_PDB_accession_code" text, "Replace_PDB_accession_code" text, "PDB_coordinate_file_version" text, "BMRB_update_details" text, "PDB_update_details" text, "Release_request" text, "Release_date_request" text, "Release_date_justification" text, "Status_code" text, "Recvd_deposit_form" text, "Date_deposition_form" text, "Recvd_coordinates" text, "Date_coordinates" text, "Recvd_nmr_constraints" text, "Date_nmr_constraints" text, "Recvd_chemical_shifts" text, "Date_chemical_shifts" text, "Recvd_manuscript" text, "Date_manuscript" text, "Recvd_author_approval" text, "Date_author_approval" text, "Recvd_initial_deposition_date" text, "PDB_date_submitted" text, "Author_release_status_code" text, "Date_of_PDB_release" text, "Date_hold_coordinates" text, "Date_hold_nmr_constraints" text, "Date_hold_chemical_shifts" text, "PDB_deposit_site" text, "PDB_process_site" text, "BMRB_deposit_site" text, "BMRB_process_site" text, "BMRB_annotator" text, "BMRB_internal_directory_name" text, "RCSB_annotator" text, "Author_approval_type" text, "Assigned_BMRB_ID" text, "Assigned_BMRB_deposition_code" text, "Assigned_PDB_ID" text, "Assigned_PDB_deposition_code" text, "Assigned_restart_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_author; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_author" ( "Ordinal" text, "Given_name" text, "Family_name" text, "First_initial" text, "Middle_initials" text, "Family_title" text, "ORCID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_experimental_methods; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_experimental_methods" ( "ID" text, "Method" text, "Subtype" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_interview; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_interview" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "PDB_deposition" text, "BMRB_deposition" text, "View_mode" text, "Use_previous_BMRB_entry" text, "Previous_BMRB_entry_used" text, "Previous_BMRB_entry_owner" text, "Structural_genomics" text, "Ligands" text, "Non_standard_residues" text, "Small_mol_mixture" text, "Constraints" text, "Assigned_chem_shifts" text, "Coupling_constants" text, "Chem_shift_isotope_effect" text, "Chem_shift_perturbation" text, "Auto_relaxation" text, "Tensor" text, "Interatomic_distance" text, "Chem_shift_anisotropy" text, "Heteronucl_NOEs" text, "Heteronucl_T1_relaxation" text, "Heteronucl_T2_relaxation" text, "Heteronucl_T1rho_relaxation" text, "Order_parameters" text, "Dynamics_trajectory" text, "Movie" text, "Image_file" text, "Residual_dipolar_couplings" text, "H_exchange_rate" text, "H_exchange_protection_factors" text, "Chem_rate_constants" text, "Spectral_peak_lists" text, "Dipole_dipole_couplings" text, "Quadrupolar_couplings" text, "Homonucl_NOEs" text, "Dipole_dipole_relaxation" text, "DD_cross_correlation" text, "Dipole_CSA_cross_correlation" text, "Binding_constants" text, "PKa_value_data_set" text, "D_H_fractionation_factors" text, "Theoretical_chem_shifts" text, "Theoretical_coupling_constants" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOEs" text, "Theoretical_T1_relaxation" text, "Theoretical_T2_relaxation" text, "Theoretical_auto_relaxation" text, "Theoretical_DD_cross_correlation" text, "Spectral_density_values" text, "Timedomain_data" text, "Secondary_structure_orientations" text, "Metabolite_coordinates" text, "Mass_spec_data" text, "Other_kind_of_data" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_prerelease_seq; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_prerelease_seq" ( "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Seq_one_letter_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_proc_cycle; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_proc_cycle" ( "Cycle_ID" text, "Date_begin_cycle" text, "Date_end_cycle" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Entry_src; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Entry_src" ( "ID" text, "Project_name" text, "Organization_full_name" text, "Organization_initials" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Experiment" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Raw_data_flag" text, "NUS_flag" text, "Interleaved_flag" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_label" text, "MS_expt_ID" text, "MS_expt_label" text, "SAXS_expt_ID" text, "SAXS_expt_label" text, "FRET_expt_ID" text, "FRET_expt_label" text, "EMR_expt_ID" text, "EMR_expt_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sample_volume" character varying(63), "Sample_volume_units" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Sample_spinning_rate" character varying(63), "Sample_angle" character varying(63), "NMR_tube_type" text, "NMR_spectrometer_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_label" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_label" text, "NMR_spectral_processing_ID" text, "NMR_spectral_processing_label" text, "Mass_spectrometer_ID" text, "Mass_spectrometer_label" text, "Xray_instrument_ID" text, "Xray_instrument_label" text, "Fluorescence_instrument_ID" text, "Fluorescence_instrument_label" text, "EMR_instrument_ID" text, "EMR_instrument_label" text, "Chromatographic_system_ID" text, "Chromatographic_system_label" text, "Chromatographic_column_ID" text, "Chromatographic_column_label" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Experiment_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Experiment_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Experiment_file" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Content" text, "Directory_path" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Experiment_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Experiment_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Experiment_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Experimental_data_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Experimental_data_link" ( "ID" text, "Source_expt_data_list_Sf_framecode" text, "Source_expt_data_list_Sf_category" text, "Source_expt_data_list_ID" text, "Source_expt_data_list_label" text, "Source_expt_data_item_category" text, "Source_expt_data_ID" text, "Derived_data_Sf_framecode" text, "Derived_data_Sf_category" text, "Derived_data_list_ID" text, "Derived_data_list_label" text, "Derived_data_item_category" text, "Derived_data_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Experimental_data_link_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Experimental_data_link_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Experimental_data_link_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: FRET_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "FRET_expt" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sample_volume" character varying(63), "Sample_volume_units" text, "Fluorescence_instrument_ID" text, "Fluorescence_instrument_label" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Floating_chirality; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Floating_chirality" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Stereospecific_assignment_code" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Floating_chirality_assign_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Floating_chirality_assign; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Floating_chirality_assign" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Stereo_count" text, "Stereo_assigned_count" text ); -- -- Name: Floating_chirality_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Floating_chirality_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Floating_chirality_assign_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Fluorescence_instrument; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Fluorescence_instrument" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Type" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text ); -- -- Name: Force_constant; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Force_constant" ( "ID" text, "Term" text, "Units" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Force_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Force_constant_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Force_constant_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Default_software_values_used" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Force_constant_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Force_constant_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Force_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint" ( "Index_ID" text, "ID" text, "Combination_ID" text, "Member_ID" text, "Member_logic_code" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_lower_val_err" character varying(63), "Intensity_upper_val_err" character varying(63), "Distance_val" character varying(63), "Target_val" character varying(63), "Target_val_uncertainty" character varying(63), "Lower_linear_limit" character varying(63), "Upper_linear_limit" character varying(63), "Distance_lower_bound_val" character varying(63), "Distance_upper_bound_val" character varying(63), "Contribution_fractional_val" character varying(63), "Weight" character varying(63), "Spectral_peak_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text, "PDB_record_ID_1" text, "PDB_model_num_1" text, "PDB_strand_ID_1" text, "PDB_ins_code_1" text, "PDB_residue_no_1" text, "PDB_residue_name_1" text, "PDB_atom_name_1" text, "PDB_record_ID_2" text, "PDB_model_num_2" text, "PDB_strand_ID_2" text, "PDB_ins_code_2" text, "PDB_residue_no_2" text, "PDB_residue_name_2" text, "PDB_atom_name_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_chain_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_alt_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_name_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_chain_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_alt_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_name_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_comment_org; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_comment_org" ( "ID" text, "Comment_text" text, "Comment_begin_line" text, "Comment_begin_column" text, "Comment_end_line" text, "Comment_end_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_conv_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_conv_err" ( "ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_parse_file_ID" text, "Parse_file_constraint_ID" text, "Conv_error_type" text, "Conv_error_note" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Constraint_type" text, "NEF_constraint_origin" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Potential_type" text, "Block_ID" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_parse_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_parse_err" ( "ID" text, "Content" text, "Begin_line" text, "Begin_column" text, "End_line" text, "End_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_parse_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_parse_file" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Gen_dist_constraint_software_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Gen_dist_constraint_software_param" ( "Software_ID" text, "Type" text, "Value" text, "Range" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Gen_dist_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_chem_shift_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_chem_shift_constraint" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Resonance_ID" text, "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Source_experiment_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_chem_shift_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_chem_shift_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_chem_shift_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_chem_shift_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_chem_shift_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_chem_shift_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Units" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Data_file_format" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: H_chem_shift_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_chem_shift_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_chem_shift_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_protection_fact_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_protection_fact_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_protection_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_protection_fact_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_protection_fact_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_protection_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_protection_factor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_protection_factor" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Calculated_intrinsic_rate" character varying(63), "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_protection_factor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_protection_factor_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_protection_factor_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Std_values_source_cit_ID" text, "Std_values_source_cit_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_rate; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_rate" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_rate_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_rate_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_rate_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_rate_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: H_exch_rate_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "H_exch_rate_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "H_exch_rate_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_NOE; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_NOE" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_NOE_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_NOE_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_NOE_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_NOE_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Heteronuclear_NOE_val_type" text, "NOE_ref_val" character varying(63), "NOE_ref_description" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_NOE_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_NOE_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "T1_coherence_type" text, "T1_val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1rho_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1rho_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1rho_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1rho_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1rho_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Temp_calibration_method" text, "Temp_control_method" text, "T1rho_coherence_type" text, "T1rho_val_units" text, "Rex_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T1rho_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T1rho_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1rho_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T2_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T2_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T2_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T2_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Temp_calibration_method" text, "Temp_control_method" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "T2_coherence_type" text, "T2_val_units" text, "Rex_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Heteronucl_T2_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Heteronucl_T2_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: History; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "History" ( "Run_number" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Software_name" text, "Software_version" text, "Script_name" text, "Script" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_applied_history_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Homonucl_NOE; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Homonucl_NOE" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Homonucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Homonucl_NOE_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Homonucl_NOE_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Homonucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Homonucl_NOE_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Homonucl_NOE_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Homonuclear_NOE_val_type" text, "NOE_ref_val" character varying(63), "NOE_ref_description" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Homonucl_NOE_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Homonucl_NOE_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Homonucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Interatomic_dist; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Interatomic_dist" ( "ID" text, "Set_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Interatomic_distance_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Interatomic_distance_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Interatomic_distance_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Isotope_effect; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Isotope_effect" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Label_sample_ID_1" text, "Label_pattern_ID_1" text, "Label_1_ID_chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Label_1_ID_chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Label_sample_ID_2" text, "Label_pattern_ID_2" text, "Label_2_ID_chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Label_2_ID_chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Isotope_effect_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Isotope_effect_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Isotope_effect_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Isotope_effect_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Isotope_label_pattern; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Isotope_label_pattern" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Chem_shift_isotope_effect_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: J_three_bond_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "J_three_bond_constraint" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_type_3" text, "Resonance_ID_3" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_4" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Entity_ID_4" text, "Comp_index_ID_4" text, "Seq_ID_4" text, "Comp_ID_4" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Atom_type_4" text, "Resonance_ID_4" text, "Coupling_constant_val" character varying(63), "Coupling_constant_lower_bound" character varying(63), "Coupling_constant_upper_bound" character varying(63), "Coupling_constant_err" character varying(63), "Source_experiment_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_3" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Auth_seq_ID_3" text, "Auth_comp_ID_3" text, "Auth_atom_ID_3" text, "Auth_asym_ID_4" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Auth_seq_ID_4" text, "Auth_comp_ID_4" text, "Auth_atom_ID_4" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "J_three_bond_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: J_three_bond_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "J_three_bond_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "J_three_bond_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: J_three_bond_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "J_three_bond_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Data_file_format" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: J_three_bond_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "J_three_bond_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "J_three_bond_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Karplus_equation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Karplus_equation" ( "Torsion_angle_code" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Local_structure_quality; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Local_structure_quality" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Asym_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Comp_index_ID_begin" text, "Comp_index_ID_end" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chrom_ion_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chrom_ion_annotation" ( "ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_ion_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Chemical_composition" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chromatogram_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chromatogram_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chromatogram_ion; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chromatogram_ion" ( "ID" text, "MZ_ratio" character varying(63), "MZ_ratio_err" character varying(63), "MZ_Intensity" character varying(63), "MZ_relative_intensity" character varying(63), "S_N_ratio" character varying(63), "Full_width_half_maximum" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chromatogram_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chromatogram_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chromatogram_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chromatogram_param" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Value" text, "Units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_chromatogram_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_chromatogram_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_chromatogram_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_expt" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Mass_spec_ID" text, "Mass_spec_label" text, "Spectrum_type" text ); -- -- Name: MS_expt_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_expt_param" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Name" text, "Value" text, "Value_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MS_expt_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MS_expt_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MS_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_precursor_ion; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_precursor_ion" ( "ID" text, "MZ_ratio" character varying(63), "MZ_ratio_err" character varying(63), "Intensity" character varying(63), "Relative_intensity" character varying(63), "S_N_ratio" character varying(63), "Full_width_half_maximum" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_precursor_ion_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_precursor_ion_annotation" ( "ID" text, "MZ_precursor_ion_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Chemical_composition" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_product_ion; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_product_ion" ( "ID" text, "MZ_ratio" character varying(63), "MZ_ratio_err" character varying(63), "Intensity" character varying(63), "Relative_intensity" character varying(63), "S_N_ratio" character varying(63), "Full_width_half_maximum" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_product_ion_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_product_ion_annotation" ( "ID" text, "MZ_product_ion_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Chemical_composition" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_ratio_data_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_ratio_data_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Mass_spec_ref_compd_set_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ref_compd_set_label" text, "Mass_spec_ref_compd_ID" text, "MZ_error_units" text, "Intensity_units" text, "Error_derivation_method" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_ratio_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_ratio_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_ratio_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_ratio_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: MZ_ratio_spectrum_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "MZ_ratio_spectrum_param" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Value" text, "Units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "MZ_ratio_data_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_component_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_component_param" ( "Mass_spec_config_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Value" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_config" ( "ID" text, "Ordinal" text, "Component_type" text, "Component_name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_ref_compd; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_ref_compd" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Mono_isotopic_mass" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ref_compd_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_ref_compd_set; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_ref_compd_set" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spec_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spec_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spec_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spectrometer_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spectrometer_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text ); -- -- Name: Mass_spectrometer_view; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Mass_spectrometer_view" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Type" text, "Fragmentation_method" text, "Ionization_method" text, "Spectrum_type" text, "Serial_number" text, "Details" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Mass_spectrometer_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Matched_entries; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Matched_entries" ( "Database_name" text, "Database_accession_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Method; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Method" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Derivation_type" text, "Details" text, "Computer_ID" text, "Computer_label" text, "Computing_platform_ID" text, "Computing_platform_label" text ); -- -- Name: Method_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Method_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Method_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Method_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Method_file" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Text_format" text, "Text" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Method_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Method_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Method_param" ( "File_name" text, "Text_format" text, "Text" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Method_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Model_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Model_type" ( "Atom_site_model_ID" text, "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_experiment_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_experiment_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_experiment_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_experiment_file" ( "Name" text, "Type" text, "Directory_path" text, "Byte_order" text, "Bytes_per_data_point" text, "File_header_size" text, "Record_header_size" text, "Record_trailer_size" text, "Compression_algorithm" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_expt_systematic_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_expt_systematic_name" ( "Name" text, "Naming_system" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_probe; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_probe" ( "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spec_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spec_expt" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Sample_volume" character varying(63), "Sample_volume_units" text, "NMR_tube_type" text, "Sample_spinning_rate" character varying(63), "Sample_angle" character varying(63), "NMR_spectrometer_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_label" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_label" text, "Carrier_freq_switch_time" character varying(63), "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Pulse_seq_accession_BMRB_code" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectral_proc_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectral_proc_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectral_processing_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectral_processing; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectral_processing" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text, "Field_strength" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer_probe; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer_probe" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text, "Diameter" character varying(63), "Rotor_length" character varying(63), "Rotor_composition" text, "Internal_volume" character varying(63), "Spacer_present" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer_probe_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer_probe_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_probe_ID" text ); -- -- Name: NMR_spectrometer_view; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "NMR_spectrometer_view" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text, "Field_strength" text, "Details" text, "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectrometer_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Natural_source_db; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Natural_source_db" ( "Entity_natural_src_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Entity_chimera_segment_ID" text, "Database_code" text, "Database_type" text, "Entry_code" text, "Entry_type" text, "ORF_code" text, "Gene_locus_code" text, "Gene_cDNA_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Entity_natural_src_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Observed_conformer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Observed_conformer" ( "Structure_interaction_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text, "Atom_site_model_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Structure_interaction_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Order_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Order_param" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Order_param_val" character varying(63), "Order_param_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Tau_e_val" character varying(63), "Tau_e_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Tau_f_val" character varying(63), "Tau_f_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Tau_s_val" character varying(63), "Tau_s_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Model_free_sum_squared_errs" character varying(63), "Model_fit" text, "Sf2_val" character varying(63), "Sf2_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Ss2_val" character varying(63), "Ss2_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "SH2_val" character varying(63), "SH2_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "SN2_val" character varying(63), "SN2_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Order_parameter_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Order_parameter_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Order_parameter_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Order_parameter_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Order_parameter_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Order_parameter_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Tau_e_val_units" text, "Tau_f_val_units" text, "Tau_s_val_units" text, "Rex_field_strength" text, "Rex_val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Order_parameter_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Order_parameter_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Order_parameter_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Org_constr_file_comment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Org_constr_file_comment" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Details" text, "Comment" text ); -- -- Name: Other_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Type" text, "Subtype" text, "File_name" text, "File_format" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Other_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_data" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_data_type_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_data_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_data_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_data_type_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_data_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_data_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_data_type_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_data_type_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_data_type_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Definition" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Other_struct_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_struct_feature" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Other_struct_feature_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Other_struct_feature_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Other_struct_feature_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Struct_feature_name" text, "Struct_feature_definition" text, "Details" text, "Selection_method" text ); -- -- Name: PDBX_chem_comp_feature; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PDBX_chem_comp_feature" ( "Type" text, "Value" text, "Source" text, "Support" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PDBX_nonpoly_scheme; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PDBX_nonpoly_scheme" ( "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Asym_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Mon_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "PDB_seq_num" text, "Auth_seq_num" text, "PDB_mon_ID" text, "Auth_mon_ID" text, "PDB_strand_ID" text, "PDB_ins_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PDBX_poly_seq_scheme; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PDBX_poly_seq_scheme" ( "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_label" text, "Asym_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Mon_ID" text, "Hetero" text, "PDB_seq_num" text, "PDB_mon_ID" text, "PDB_chain_ID" text, "PDB_ins_code" text, "Auth_seq_num" text, "Auth_mon_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PH_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_param" ( "ID" text, "PH_titr_result_ID" text, "PH_val" character varying(63), "PH_val_err" character varying(63), "Observed_NMR_param_val" character varying(63), "Observed_NMR_param_val_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "PH_param_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PH_param_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_param_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "PH_titration_list_ID" text, "PH_titration_list_label" text, "Observed_NMR_param" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: PH_titr_result; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_titr_result" ( "ID" text, "Atm_obs_assembly_atom_ID" text, "Atm_obs_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_obs_entity_ID" text, "Atm_obs_comp_index_ID" text, "Atm_obs_seq_ID" text, "Atm_obs_comp_ID" text, "Atm_obs_atom_ID" text, "Atm_obs_atom_type" text, "Atm_obs_atom_isotope_number" text, "Atm_obs_auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_seq_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_comp_ID" text, "Atm_obs_auth_atom_ID" text, "Atm_titr_assembly_atom_ID" text, "Atm_titr_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_titr_entity_ID" text, "Atm_titr_comp_index_ID" text, "Atm_titr_seq_ID" text, "Atm_titr_comp_ID" text, "Atm_titr_atom_ID" text, "Atm_titr_atom_type" text, "Atm_titr_atom_isotope_number" text, "Atm_titr_auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Atm_titr_auth_seq_ID" text, "Atm_titr_auth_comp_ID" text, "Atm_titr_auth_atom_ID" text, "Hill_coeff_val" character varying(63), "Hill_coeff_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "High_PH_param_fit_val" character varying(63), "High_PH_param_fit_val_err" character varying(63), "Low_PH_param_fit_val" character varying(63), "Low_PH_param_fit_val_err" character varying(63), "PKa_val" character varying(63), "PKa_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "PHmid_val" character varying(63), "PHmid_val_fit_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "PH_titration_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PH_titration_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_titration_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "PH_titration_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: PH_titration_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_titration_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Expt_observed_param" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: PH_titration_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "PH_titration_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "PH_titration_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak" ( "Index_ID" text, "ID" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Type" text, "Restraint" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_char; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_char" ( "Peak_ID" text, "Spectral_dim_ID" text, "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Line_width_val" character varying(63), "Line_width_val_err" character varying(63), "Phase_val" text, "Phase_val_err" character varying(63), "Decay_rate_val" character varying(63), "Decay_rate_val_err" character varying(63), "Coupling_pattern" text, "Bounding_box_upper_val" character varying(63), "Bounding_box_lower_val" character varying(63), "Bounding_box_range_val" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Derivation_method_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_constraint_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_constraint_link" ( "ID" text, "Spectral_Peak_list_Sf_framecode" text, "Spectral_peak_list_Sf_category" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Constraint_Sf_framecode" text, "Constraint_Sf_category" text, "Constraint_list_ID" text, "Constraint_ID_item_category" text, "Constraint_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Peak_constraint_link_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_constraint_link_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_constraint_link_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_coupling; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_coupling" ( "ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Spectral_dim_ID" text, "Multiplet_component_ID" text, "Type" text, "Coupling_val" character varying(63), "Coupling_val_err" character varying(63), "Strong_coupling_effect_val" character varying(63), "Strong_coupling_effect_val_err" character varying(63), "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_val_err" character varying(63), "Partner_coupling_peak_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_general_char; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_general_char" ( "Peak_ID" text, "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_val_err" character varying(63), "Measurement_method" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Peak_row_format; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Peak_row_format" ( "Index_ID" text, "ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Volume" character varying(63), "Volume_uncertainty" character varying(63), "Height" character varying(63), "Height_uncertainty" character varying(63), "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Restraint" text, "Position_1" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_1" character varying(63), "Line_width_1" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_1" character varying(63), "Position_2" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_2" character varying(63), "Line_width_2" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_2" character varying(63), "Position_3" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_3" character varying(63), "Line_width_3" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_3" character varying(63), "Position_4" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_4" character varying(63), "Line_width_4" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_4" character varying(63), "Position_5" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_5" character varying(63), "Line_width_5" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_5" character varying(63), "Position_6" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_6" character varying(63), "Line_width_6" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_6" character varying(63), "Position_7" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_7" character varying(63), "Line_width_7" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_7" character varying(63), "Position_8" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_8" character varying(63), "Line_width_8" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_8" character varying(63), "Position_9" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_9" character varying(63), "Line_width_9" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_9" character varying(63), "Position_10" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_10" character varying(63), "Line_width_10" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_10" character varying(63), "Position_11" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_11" character varying(63), "Line_width_11" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_11" character varying(63), "Position_12" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_12" character varying(63), "Line_width_12" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_12" character varying(63), "Position_13" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_13" character varying(63), "Line_width_13" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_13" character varying(63), "Position_14" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_14" character varying(63), "Line_width_14" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_14" character varying(63), "Position_15" character varying(63), "Position_uncertainty_15" character varying(63), "Line_width_15" character varying(63), "Line_width_uncertainty_15" character varying(63), "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Ambiguity_code_1" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Ambiguity_code_2" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Ambiguity_code_3" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Entity_ID_4" text, "Comp_index_ID_4" text, "Seq_ID_4" text, "Comp_ID_4" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Ambiguity_code_4" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_4" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_5" text, "Entity_ID_5" text, "Comp_index_ID_5" text, "Seq_ID_5" text, "Comp_ID_5" text, "Atom_ID_5" text, "Ambiguity_code_5" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_5" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_6" text, "Entity_ID_6" text, "Comp_index_ID_6" text, "Seq_ID_6" text, "Comp_ID_6" text, "Atom_ID_6" text, "Ambiguity_code_6" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_6" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_7" text, "Entity_ID_7" text, "Comp_index_ID_7" text, "Seq_ID_7" text, "Comp_ID_7" text, "Atom_ID_7" text, "Ambiguity_code_7" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_7" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_8" text, "Entity_ID_8" text, "Comp_index_ID_8" text, "Seq_ID_8" text, "Comp_ID_8" text, "Atom_ID_8" text, "Ambiguity_code_8" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_8" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_9" text, "Entity_ID_9" text, "Comp_index_ID_9" text, "Seq_ID_9" text, "Comp_ID_9" text, "Atom_ID_9" text, "Ambiguity_code_9" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_9" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_10" text, "Entity_ID_10" text, "Comp_index_ID_10" text, "Seq_ID_10" text, "Comp_ID_10" text, "Atom_ID_10" text, "Ambiguity_code_10" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_10" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_11" text, "Entity_ID_11" text, "Comp_index_ID_11" text, "Seq_ID_11" text, "Comp_ID_11" text, "Atom_ID_11" text, "Ambiguity_code_11" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_11" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_12" text, "Entity_ID_12" text, "Comp_index_ID_12" text, "Seq_ID_12" text, "Comp_ID_12" text, "Atom_ID_12" text, "Ambiguity_code_12" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_12" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_13" text, "Entity_ID_13" text, "Comp_index_ID_13" text, "Seq_ID_13" text, "Comp_ID_13" text, "Atom_ID_13" text, "Ambiguity_code_13" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_13" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_14" text, "Entity_ID_14" text, "Comp_index_ID_14" text, "Seq_ID_14" text, "Comp_ID_14" text, "Atom_ID_14" text, "Ambiguity_code_14" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_14" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_15" text, "Entity_ID_15" text, "Comp_index_ID_15" text, "Seq_ID_15" text, "Comp_ID_15" text, "Atom_ID_15" text, "Ambiguity_code_15" text, "Ambiguity_set_ID_15" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_1" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_2" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Auth_entity_ID_3" text, "Auth_asym_ID_3" text, "Auth_seq_ID_3" text, "Auth_comp_ID_3" text, "Auth_atom_ID_3" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_3" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_3" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Auth_entity_ID_4" text, "Auth_asym_ID_4" text, "Auth_seq_ID_4" text, "Auth_comp_ID_4" text, "Auth_atom_ID_4" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_4" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_4" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_5" text, "Auth_entity_ID_5" text, "Auth_asym_ID_5" text, "Auth_seq_ID_5" text, "Auth_comp_ID_5" text, "Auth_atom_ID_5" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_5" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_5" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_6" text, "Auth_entity_ID_6" text, "Auth_asym_ID_6" text, "Auth_seq_ID_6" text, "Auth_comp_ID_6" text, "Auth_atom_ID_6" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_6" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_6" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_7" text, "Auth_entity_ID_7" text, "Auth_asym_ID_7" text, "Auth_seq_ID_7" text, "Auth_comp_ID_7" text, "Auth_atom_ID_7" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_7" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_7" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_8" text, "Auth_entity_ID_8" text, "Auth_asym_ID_8" text, "Auth_seq_ID_8" text, "Auth_comp_ID_8" text, "Auth_atom_ID_8" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_8" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_8" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_9" text, "Auth_entity_ID_9" text, "Auth_asym_ID_9" text, "Auth_seq_ID_9" text, "Auth_comp_ID_9" text, "Auth_atom_ID_9" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_9" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_9" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_10" text, "Auth_entity_ID_10" text, "Auth_asym_ID_10" text, "Auth_seq_ID_10" text, "Auth_comp_ID_10" text, "Auth_atom_ID_10" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_10" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_10" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_11" text, "Auth_entity_ID_11" text, "Auth_asym_ID_11" text, "Auth_seq_ID_11" text, "Auth_comp_ID_11" text, "Auth_atom_ID_11" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_11" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_11" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_12" text, "Auth_entity_ID_12" text, "Auth_asym_ID_12" text, "Auth_seq_ID_12" text, "Auth_comp_ID_12" text, "Auth_atom_ID_12" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_12" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_12" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_13" text, "Auth_entity_ID_13" text, "Auth_asym_ID_13" text, "Auth_seq_ID_13" text, "Auth_comp_ID_13" text, "Auth_atom_ID_13" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_13" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_13" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_14" text, "Auth_entity_ID_14" text, "Auth_asym_ID_14" text, "Auth_seq_ID_14" text, "Auth_comp_ID_14" text, "Auth_atom_ID_14" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_14" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_14" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_15" text, "Auth_entity_ID_15" text, "Auth_asym_ID_15" text, "Auth_seq_ID_15" text, "Auth_comp_ID_15" text, "Auth_atom_ID_15" text, "Auth_ambiguity_code_15" text, "Auth_ambiguity_set_ID_15" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC" ( "ID" text, "RDC_code" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Ambiguity_code_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Ambiguity_code_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Val_bond_length" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint" ( "Index_ID" text, "ID" text, "Combination_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Weight" character varying(63), "RDC_val" character varying(63), "RDC_val_err" character varying(63), "Target_value" character varying(63), "Target_value_uncertainty" character varying(63), "RDC_lower_bound" character varying(63), "RDC_upper_bound" character varying(63), "RDC_lower_linear_limit" character varying(63), "RDC_upper_linear_limit" character varying(63), "RDC_val_scale_factor" character varying(63), "RDC_bond_length" character varying(63), "RDC_distant_dependent" text, "Source_experiment_ID" text, "PDB_record_ID_1" text, "PDB_model_num_1" text, "PDB_strand_ID_1" text, "PDB_ins_code_1" text, "PDB_residue_no_1" text, "PDB_residue_name_1" text, "PDB_atom_name_1" text, "PDB_record_ID_2" text, "PDB_model_num_2" text, "PDB_strand_ID_2" text, "PDB_ins_code_2" text, "PDB_residue_no_2" text, "PDB_residue_name_2" text, "PDB_atom_name_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_chain_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_alt_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_name_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_chain_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_alt_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_name_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_comment_org; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_comment_org" ( "ID" text, "Comment_text" text, "Comment_begin_line" text, "Comment_begin_column" text, "Comment_end_line" text, "Comment_end_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_conv_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_conv_err" ( "ID" text, "RDC_constr_parse_file_ID" text, "Parse_file_constraint_ID" text, "Conv_error_type" text, "Conv_error_note" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Block_ID" text, "Potential_type" text, "Constraint_type" text, "NEF_constraint_origin" text, "Tensor_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Tensor_comp_index_ID" text, "Tensor_seq_ID" text, "Tensor_comp_ID" text, "Tensor_auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Tensor_auth_asym_ID" text, "Tensor_auth_seq_ID" text, "Tensor_auth_comp_ID" text, "Dipolar_constraint_calib_method" text, "Tensor_magnitude" character varying(63), "Tensor_rhombicity" character varying(63), "Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol" character varying(63), "Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol" character varying(63), "General_order_param_int_motions" character varying(63), "Bond_length_usage_flag" text, "Assumed_H_N_bond_length" character varying(63), "Assumed_H_C_bond_length" character varying(63), "Assumed_C_N_bond_length" character varying(63), "Data_file_format" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_parse_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_parse_err" ( "ID" text, "Content" text, "Begin_line" text, "Begin_column" text, "End_line" text, "End_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_parse_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_parse_file" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Bond_length_usage_flag" text, "Dipolar_constraint_calib_method" text, "Mol_align_tensor_axial_sym_mol" character varying(63), "Mol_align_tensor_rhombic_mol" character varying(63), "General_order_param_int_motions" character varying(63), "Assumed_H_N_bond_length" character varying(63), "Assumed_H_C_bond_length" character varying(63), "Assumed_C_N_bond_length" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: RDC_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "RDC_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "RDC_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Recoupling_pulse_sequence; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Recoupling_pulse_sequence" ( "Name" text, "Type" text, "Nucleus" text, "Time_period" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Reference; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Reference" ( "ID" text, "Class" text, "Full_reference" text, "Authors" text, "Title" text, "Journal_name_full" text, "Year" text, "Journal_volume" text, "Journal_issue" text, "DOI" text, "WWW_URL" text, "PubMed_ID" text, "PubMed_URL" text, "PMC_ID" text, "PMC_URL" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Reference_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Reference_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Reference_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text ); -- -- Name: Related_entries; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Related_entries" ( "Database_name" text, "Database_accession_code" text, "Relationship" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Release; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Release" ( "Release_number" text, "Format_type" text, "Format_version" text, "Date" text, "Submission_date" text, "Type" text, "Author" text, "Detail" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Rep_conf; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Rep_conf" ( "Atom_coordinate_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Atom_site_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Chem_comp_PDB_ID_code" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_cartn_x" character varying(63), "Atom_cartn_y" character varying(63), "Atom_cartn_z" character varying(63), "Atom_cartn_x_esd" character varying(63), "Atom_cartn_y_esd" character varying(63), "Atom_cartn_z_esd" character varying(63), "Atom_position_uncertainty" character varying(63), "Atom_coord_footnote_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Rep_conf_refinement; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Rep_conf_refinement" ( "Refine_method" text, "Refine_details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Rep_conf_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Rep_conf_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Rep_coordinate_details; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Rep_coordinate_details" ( "Footnote_ID" text, "Footnote" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Representative_conformer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Representative_conformer" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Type" text, "Rep_conformer_derivation" text, "Atom_pos_uncertainty_derivation" text, "Rep_conformer_file_name" text, "Rep_conformer_original_file" text, "PDB_accession_code" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_label" text ); -- -- Name: Resonance; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Resonance" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Resonance_set_ID" text, "Spin_system_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Resonance_linker_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Resonance_assignment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Resonance_assignment" ( "Resonance_set_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Atom_set_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Resonance_linker_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Resonance_covalent_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Resonance_covalent_link" ( "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Resonance_linker_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Resonance_linker_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Resonance_linker_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: SAXS_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SAXS_constraint" ( "ID" text, "Q_value" character varying(63), "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_val_err" character varying(63), "Weight_val" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "SAXS_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: SAXS_constraint_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SAXS_constraint_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "SAXS_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: SAXS_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SAXS_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: SAXS_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SAXS_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "SAXS_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: SAXS_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SAXS_expt" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sample_volume" character varying(63), "Sample_volume_units" text, "Xray_instrument_ID" text, "Xray_instrument_label" text, "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: SG_project; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "SG_project" ( "SG_project_ID" text, "Project_name" text, "Full_name_of_center" text, "Initial_of_center" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Sample; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Sub_type" text, "Details" text, "Aggregate_sample_number" text, "Solvent_system" text, "Preparation_date" text, "Preparation_expiration_date" text, "Polycrystallization_protocol" text, "Single_crystal_protocol" text, "Crystal_grow_apparatus" text, "Crystal_grow_atmosphere" text, "Crystal_grow_details" text, "Crystal_grow_method" text, "Crystal_grow_method_cit_ID" text, "Crystal_grow_pH" character varying(63), "Crystal_grow_pH_range" text, "Crystal_grow_pressure" character varying(63), "Crystal_grow_pressure_esd" character varying(63), "Crystal_grow_seeding" text, "Crystal_grow_seeding_cit_ID" text, "Crystal_grow_temp" character varying(63), "Crystal_grow_temp_details" text, "Crystal_grow_temp_esd" character varying(63), "Crystal_grow_time" character varying(63), "Oriented_sample_prep_protocol" text, "Lyophilization_cryo_protectant" text, "Storage_protocol" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sample_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_component; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_component" ( "ID" text, "Mol_common_name" text, "Isotopic_labeling" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Assembly_label" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Product_ID" text, "Type" text, "Concentration_val" text, "Concentration_val_min" character varying(63), "Concentration_val_max" character varying(63), "Concentration_val_units" text, "Concentration_val_err" character varying(63), "Vendor" text, "Vendor_product_name" text, "Vendor_product_code" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sample_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_component_atom_isotope; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_component_atom_isotope" ( "Sample_component_ID" text, "Mol_common_name" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Comp_isotope_label_code" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Label_pct" character varying(63), "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_entity_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sample_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_condition_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_condition_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_condition_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_condition_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Sample_condition_variable; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Sample_condition_variable" ( "Type" text, "Val" text, "Val_err" text, "Val_units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Secondary_struct; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Secondary_struct" ( "ID" text, "Conf_family_coord_set_ID" text, "Conf_family_coord_set_label" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID_start" text, "Comp_index_ID_end" text, "Seq_ID_start" text, "Seq_ID_end" text, "Auth_seq_ID_start" text, "Auth_seq_ID_end" text, "Name" text, "Code" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Secondary_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Secondary_struct_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Secondary_struct_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_label" text ); -- -- Name: Secondary_struct_sel; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Secondary_struct_sel" ( "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Secondary_struct_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Type" text, "Name" text, "Version" text, "DOI" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Software_applied_history; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_applied_history" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Software_applied_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_applied_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Software_applied_methods; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_applied_methods" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Methods_ID" text, "Methods_label" text, "Software_name" text, "Script_name" text, "Script" text, "Software_specific_info" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_applied_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Software_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Software_specific_info; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_specific_info" ( "Software_saveframe_ID" text, "Software_saveframe" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_specific_info_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Software_specific_info_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Software_specific_info_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_acq_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_acq_param" ( "ID" text, "Acquisition_dimension_ID" text, "Spectral_dim" text, "Name" text, "Val" text, "Val_err" text, "Val_range" text, "Val_units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spec_expt_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_density; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_density" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "W_zero_val" character varying(63), "W_zero_val_err" character varying(63), "W_1H_val" character varying(63), "W_1H_val_err" character varying(63), "W_13C_val" character varying(63), "W_13C_val_err" character varying(63), "W_15N_val" character varying(63), "W_15N_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_density_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_density_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_density_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_density_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_density_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_density_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_density_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_density_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_density_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_dim; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_dim" ( "ID" text, "Axis_code" text, "Spectrometer_frequency" character varying(63), "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Spectral_region" text, "Magnetization_linkage_ID" text, "Under_sampling_type" text, "Sweep_width" character varying(63), "Sweep_width_units" text, "Value_first_point" character varying(63), "Absolute_peak_positions" text, "Acquisition" text, "Center_frequency_offset" character varying(63), "Encoding_code" text, "Encoded_reduced_dimension_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_dim_transfer; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_dim_transfer" ( "Spectral_dim_ID_1" text, "Spectral_dim_ID_2" text, "Indirect" text, "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_peak_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_peak_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Chem_shift_reference_ID" text, "Chem_shift_reference_label" text, "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Experiment_class" text, "Experiment_type" text, "Number_of_spectral_dimensions" text, "Chemical_shift_list" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_label" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_peak_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_peak_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_processing_param; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_processing_param" ( "Operation_ID" text, "Operation_code" text, "Operation_ordinal" text, "Previous_operation_ID" text, "ID" text, "Processing_dimension_ID" text, "Spectral_dim" text, "Name" text, "Val" text, "Val_err" text, "Val_range" text, "Val_units" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "NMR_spectral_processing_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_transition; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_transition" ( "ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_transition_char; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_transition_char" ( "Spectral_transition_ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Spectral_dim_ID" text, "Chem_shift_val" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_val_err" character varying(63), "Line_width_val" character varying(63), "Line_width_val_err" character varying(63), "Phase_val" character varying(63), "Phase_val_err" character varying(63), "Decay_rate_val" character varying(63), "Decay_rate_val_err" character varying(63), "Bounding_box_upper_val" character varying(63), "Bounding_box_lower_val" character varying(63), "Bounding_box_width_val" character varying(63), "Derivation_method_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spectral_transition_general_char; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spectral_transition_general_char" ( "Spectral_transition_ID" text, "Peak_ID" text, "Intensity_val" character varying(63), "Intensity_val_err" character varying(63), "Measurement_method" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Spectral_peak_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spin_system; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spin_system" ( "ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Resonance_linker_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Spin_system_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Spin_system_link" ( "From_spin_system_ID" text, "To_spin_system_ID" text, "Offset" text, "Type" text, "Selected" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Resonance_linker_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_anno_char; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_anno_char" ( "ID" text, "Atom_site_model_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "PDB_strand_ID" text, "Secondary_structure_code" text, "Edge_designation" text, "Phi_angle" character varying(63), "Psi_angle" character varying(63), "Hydrophobicity" character varying(63), "Solvent_accessible_surface_area" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Structure_annotation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_anno_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_anno_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Structure_annotation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_asym; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_asym" ( "ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "PDBX_blank_PDB_chainid_flag" text, "PDBX_modified" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_classification; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_classification" ( "ID" text, "Code" text, "Class" text, "Fold" text, "Superfamily" text, "Family" text, "DB_source_ID" text, "Description" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Structure_annotation_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_image; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_image" ( "File_name" text, "File_format" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Conformer_family_coord_set_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Struct_keywords; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Struct_keywords" ( "Keywords" text, "Text" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Structure_annotation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Structure_annotation" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "PDB_ID" text, "DB_queried_date" text, "DB_source" text, "DB_electronic_address" text, "DB_source_release_designation" text, "DB_source_release_date" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Structure_interaction; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Structure_interaction" ( "ID" text, "Type" text, "Selection_method_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Details" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Structure_interaction_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Structure_interaction_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Structure_interaction_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Study; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Study" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Type" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Study_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Study_entry_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Study_entry_list" ( "Study_ID" text, "BMRB_accession_code" text, "BMRB_entry_description" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Study_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Study_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Study_keyword" ( "Study_ID" text, "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Study_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Study_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Study_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_biological_function; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_biological_function" ( "Biological_function" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_citation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_citation" ( "Citation_ID" text, "Citation_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_common_name; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_common_name" ( "Name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_component; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_component" ( "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_db_link; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_db_link" ( "Author_supplied" text, "Database_code" text, "Accession_code" text, "Entry_mol_code" text, "Entry_mol_name" text, "Entry_experimental_method" text, "Entry_relation_type" text, "Entry_details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_keyword; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_keyword" ( "Keyword" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Subsystem_type; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Subsystem_type" ( "Type" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_subsystem_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Systematic_chem_shift_offset; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Systematic_chem_shift_offset" ( "Type" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assigned_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: T1; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "T1" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: T1rho; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "T1rho" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "T1rho_val" character varying(63), "T1rho_val_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T1rho_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: T2; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "T2" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "T2_val" character varying(63), "T2_val_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: TA_constraint_comment_org; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "TA_constraint_comment_org" ( "ID" text, "Comment_text" text, "Comment_begin_line" text, "Comment_begin_column" text, "Comment_end_line" text, "Comment_end_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: TA_constraint_conv_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "TA_constraint_conv_err" ( "ID" text, "Parse_file_ID" text, "Parse_file_constraint_ID" text, "Conv_error_type" text, "Conv_error_note" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: TA_constraint_parse_err; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "TA_constraint_parse_err" ( "ID" text, "Content" text, "Begin_line" text, "Begin_column" text, "End_line" text, "End_column" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: TA_constraint_parse_file; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "TA_constraint_parse_file" ( "ID" text, "Name" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Task; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Task" ( "Task" text, "Software_module" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Tensor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Tensor" ( "ID" text, "Interatomic_distance_list_ID" text, "Interatomic_dist_set_ID" text, "Calc_type_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Axial_sym_axis_polar_angle" character varying(63), "Axial_sym_axis_aximuthal_angle" character varying(63), "Isotropic_val" character varying(63), "Anisotropic_val" character varying(63), "Rhombic_val" character varying(63), "Herzfeld-Berger_span_val" character varying(63), "Herzfeld-Berger_mu_val" character varying(63), "Haeberlen_delta_val" character varying(63), "Haeberlen_asymmetry_val" character varying(63), "Euler_angle_alpha" character varying(63), "Euler_angle_beta" character varying(63), "Euler_angle_gamma" character varying(63), "Isotropic_comp_1_1_val" character varying(63), "Isotropic_comp_2_2_val" character varying(63), "Isotropic_comp_3_3_val" character varying(63), "Anti_sym_comp_1_2_val" character varying(63), "Anti_sym_comp_1_3_val" character varying(63), "Anti_sym_comp_2_3_val" character varying(63), "Sym_traceless_comp_1_1_val" character varying(63), "Sym_traceless_comp_1_2_val" character varying(63), "Sym_traceless_comp_1_3_val" character varying(63), "Sym_traceless_comp_2_2_val" character varying(63), "Sym_traceless_comp_2_3_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_1_1_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_1_2_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_1_3_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_2_1_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_2_2_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_2_3_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_3_1_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_3_2_val" character varying(63), "Reduceable_matrix_3_3_val" character varying(63), "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Tensor_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Tensor_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Tensor_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Tensor_type" text, "Tensor_shape" text, "Matrix_val_units" text, "Isotropic_val_type" text, "Angle_units" text, "Isotropic_val_formula" text, "Anisotropic_val_formula" text, "Rhombic_val_formula" text, "Euler_angle_type" text, "Details" text ); -- -- Name: Terminal_residue; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Terminal_residue" ( "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Representative_conformer_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Tertiary_struct; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Tertiary_struct" ( "ID" text, "Tertiary_struct_code" text, "Tertiary_struct_name" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Entity_label" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Tertiary_struct_element_code" text, "Details" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Tertiary_struct_element_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Tertiary_struct_element_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Tertiary_struct_element_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text ); -- -- Name: Tertiary_struct_element_sel; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Tertiary_struct_element_sel" ( "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Tertiary_struct_element_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_T1; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_T1" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_T2; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_T2" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "T2_val" character varying(63), "T2_val_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_auto_relaxation; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_auto_relaxation" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Auto_relaxation_val" character varying(63), "Auto_relaxation_val_err" character varying(63), "Rex_val" character varying(63), "Rex_val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_auto_relaxation_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Temp_calibration_method" text, "Temp_control_method" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Exact_field_strength" character varying(63), "Common_relaxation_type_name" text, "Relaxation_coherence_type" text, "Relaxation_val_units" text, "Rex_units" text, "Rex_field_strength" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_auto_relaxation_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_auto_relaxation_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_chem_shift; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_chem_shift" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID" text, "Entity_assembly_ID" text, "Entity_ID" text, "Comp_index_ID" text, "Seq_ID" text, "Comp_ID" text, "Atom_ID" text, "Atom_type" text, "Atom_isotope_number" text, "Fermi_contact_spin_density" character varying(63), "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Auth_entity_assembly_ID" text, "Auth_asym_ID" text, "Auth_seq_ID" text, "Auth_comp_ID" text, "Auth_atom_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_chem_shift_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_chem_shift_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_chem_shift_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Chem_shifts_calc_type_ID" text, "Chem_shifts_calc_type_label" text, "Model_atomic_coordinates_ID" text, "Model_atomic_coordinates_label" text, "Tensor_list_ID" text, "Tensor_list_label" text, "Fermi_contact_spin_density_units" text, "Chem_shift_1H_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_2H_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_13C_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_15N_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_19F_err" character varying(63), "Chem_shift_31P_err" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_coupling_constant; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_coupling_constant" ( "ID" text, "Code" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Ambiguity_code_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Ambiguity_code_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_min" character varying(63), "Val_max" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Details" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_coupling_constant_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_coupling_constant_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_coupling_constant_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_coupling_constant_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_coupling_constant_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_coupling_constant_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_coupling_constant_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD" ( "ID" text, "Dipole_1_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_entity_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_type_1" text, "Dipole_1_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Dipole_1_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_entity_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_type_2" text, "Dipole_1_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Dipole_2_assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_entity_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_comp_index_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_type_1" text, "Dipole_2_atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Dipole_2_assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_entity_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_chem_comp_index_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_type_2" text, "Dipole_2_atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Dipole_1_Resonance_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_Resonance_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_Resonance_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_Resonance_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_1_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_1_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Dipole_2_auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Dipole_2_auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_cross_correlation_DD_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE" ( "ID" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Atom_isotope_number_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Atom_isotope_number_2" text, "Val" character varying(63), "Val_err" character varying(63), "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "Heteronuclear_NOE_val_type" text, "NOE_ref_val" character varying(63), "NOE_ref_description" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_NOE_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "T1_coherence_type" text, "T1_val_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_T1_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_experiment; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_experiment" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_Heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Sample_condition_list_ID" text, "Sample_condition_list_label" text, "Temp_calibration_method" text, "Temp_control_method" text, "Spectrometer_frequency_1H" character varying(63), "T2_coherence_type" text, "T2_val_units" text, "Rex_units" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Theoretical_heteronucl_T2_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Torsion_angle; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Torsion_angle" ( "ID" text, "Torsion_angle_name" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Entity_label_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Comp_label_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Entity_label_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Comp_label_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Entity_label_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Comp_label_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_type_3" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_4" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Entity_ID_4" text, "Entity_label_4" text, "Comp_ID_4" text, "Comp_label_4" text, "Comp_index_ID_4" text, "Seq_ID_4" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Atom_type_4" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Assembly_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Torsion_angle_constraint; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Torsion_angle_constraint" ( "Index_ID" text, "ID" text, "Combination_ID" text, "Set_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_name" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_1" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Entity_ID_1" text, "Comp_index_ID_1" text, "Seq_ID_1" text, "Comp_ID_1" text, "Atom_ID_1" text, "Atom_type_1" text, "Resonance_ID_1" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_2" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Entity_ID_2" text, "Comp_index_ID_2" text, "Seq_ID_2" text, "Comp_ID_2" text, "Atom_ID_2" text, "Atom_type_2" text, "Resonance_ID_2" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_3" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Entity_ID_3" text, "Comp_index_ID_3" text, "Seq_ID_3" text, "Comp_ID_3" text, "Atom_ID_3" text, "Atom_type_3" text, "Resonance_ID_3" text, "Assembly_atom_ID_4" text, "Entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Entity_ID_4" text, "Comp_index_ID_4" text, "Seq_ID_4" text, "Comp_ID_4" text, "Atom_ID_4" text, "Atom_type_4" text, "Resonance_ID_4" text, "Angle_lower_bound_val" character varying(63), "Angle_upper_bound_val" character varying(63), "Angle_target_val" character varying(63), "Angle_target_val_err" character varying(63), "Angle_lower_linear_limit" character varying(63), "Angle_upper_linear_limit" character varying(63), "Weight" character varying(63), "Source_experiment_ID" text, "Figure_of_merit" character varying(63), "PDB_record_ID_1" text, "PDB_model_num_1" text, "PDB_strand_ID_1" text, "PDB_ins_code_1" text, "PDB_residue_no_1" text, "PDB_residue_name_1" text, "PDB_atom_name_1" text, "PDB_record_ID_2" text, "PDB_model_num_2" text, "PDB_strand_ID_2" text, "PDB_ins_code_2" text, "PDB_residue_no_2" text, "PDB_residue_name_2" text, "PDB_atom_name_2" text, "PDB_record_ID_3" text, "PDB_model_num_3" text, "PDB_strand_ID_3" text, "PDB_ins_code_3" text, "PDB_residue_no_3" text, "PDB_residue_name_3" text, "PDB_atom_name_3" text, "PDB_record_ID_4" text, "PDB_model_num_4" text, "PDB_strand_ID_4" text, "PDB_ins_code_4" text, "PDB_residue_no_4" text, "PDB_residue_name_4" text, "PDB_atom_name_4" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_1" text, "Auth_asym_ID_1" text, "Auth_chain_ID_1" text, "Auth_seq_ID_1" text, "Auth_comp_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_ID_1" text, "Auth_alt_ID_1" text, "Auth_atom_name_1" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_2" text, "Auth_asym_ID_2" text, "Auth_chain_ID_2" text, "Auth_seq_ID_2" text, "Auth_comp_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_ID_2" text, "Auth_alt_ID_2" text, "Auth_atom_name_2" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_3" text, "Auth_asym_ID_3" text, "Auth_chain_ID_3" text, "Auth_seq_ID_3" text, "Auth_comp_ID_3" text, "Auth_atom_ID_3" text, "Auth_alt_ID_3" text, "Auth_atom_name_3" text, "Auth_entity_assembly_ID_4" text, "Auth_asym_ID_4" text, "Auth_chain_ID_4" text, "Auth_seq_ID_4" text, "Auth_comp_ID_4" text, "Auth_atom_ID_4" text, "Auth_alt_ID_4" text, "Auth_atom_name_4" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Torsion_angle_constraint_list; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Torsion_angle_constraint_list" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Constraint_file_ID" text, "Potential_type" text, "Constraint_type" text, "NEF_constraint_origin" text, "Block_ID" text, "Details" text, "Text_data_format" text, "Text_data" text ); -- -- Name: Torsion_angle_constraint_software; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Torsion_angle_constraint_software" ( "Software_ID" text, "Software_label" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Torsion_angle_constraints_expt; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Torsion_angle_constraints_expt" ( "Experiment_ID" text, "Experiment_name" text, "Method_ID" text, "Method_label" text, "Sample_ID" text, "Sample_label" text, "Sample_state" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Torsion_angle_constraint_list_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Upload_data; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Upload_data" ( "Data_file_ID" text, "Data_file_name" text, "Data_file_content_type" text, "Data_file_Sf_category" text, "Data_file_syntax" text, "Data_file_immutable_flag" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Deposited_data_files_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Vendor; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Vendor" ( "Name" text, "Address" text, "Electronic_address" text, "Sf_ID" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Software_ID" text ); -- -- Name: Xray_instrument; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE "Xray_instrument" ( "Sf_category" text, "Sf_framecode" text, "Entry_ID" text, "Sf_ID" text, "ID" text, "Name" text, "Details" text, "Location" text, "Type" text, "Manufacturer" text, "Model" text, "Serial_number" text, "Detector_type" text, "Source" text, "Wavelength" character varying(63), "SAXS_detector_sample_distance" character varying(63), "WAXS_detector_sample_distance" character varying(63) ); -- -- Name: entry_saveframes; Type: TABLE; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE entry_saveframes ( category text, entryid text, sfid integer NOT NULL, name text, line integer ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_aa_filt; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_aa_filt ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric, num_outliers integer ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_aa_full; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_aa_full ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric, num_outliers integer ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_dna_filt; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_dna_filt ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric, num_outliers integer ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_nstd; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_nstd ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_rna_filt; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_rna_filt ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric, num_outliers integer ); -- -- Name: cs_stat_rna_full; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.cs_stat_rna_full ( comp_id text, atom_id text, count bigint, min numeric, max numeric, avg numeric, std numeric, num_outliers integer ); -- -- Name: dep2accno; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.dep2accno ( depno text NOT NULL, accno text NOT NULL ); -- -- Name: procque; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.procque ( accno text NOT NULL, received date NOT NULL, onhold text NOT NULL, status text, released date ); -- -- Name: pulsefilelist; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.pulsefilelist ( id integer NOT NULL, accnum integer, mfg text, exptype text, dimension text, file text, name text ); -- -- Name: pulsefilelist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE SEQUENCE web.pulsefilelist_id_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NO MINVALUE NO MAXVALUE CACHE 1; -- -- Name: pulsefilelist_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: web; Owner: - -- ALTER SEQUENCE web.pulsefilelist_id_seq OWNED BY web.pulsefilelist.id; -- -- Name: termlist; Type: TABLE; Schema: web; Owner: - -- CREATE TABLE web.termlist ( term text, expansion text, description text, isprimary text ); -- -- Name: pulsefilelist id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: web; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY web.pulsefilelist ALTER COLUMN id SET DEFAULT nextval('web.pulsefilelist_id_seq'::regclass); -- -- Name: adit_item_tbl adit_item_tbl_dictionaryseq_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl ADD CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_dictionaryseq_key UNIQUE (dictionaryseq); -- -- Name: adit_item_tbl adit_item_tbl_originaltag_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl ADD CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_originaltag_key UNIQUE (originaltag); -- -- Name: adit_item_tbl adit_item_tbl_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl ADD CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_pkey PRIMARY KEY (originalcategory, originaltag); -- -- Name: adit_item_tbl adit_item_tbl_tagcategory_tagfield_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.adit_item_tbl ADD CONSTRAINT adit_item_tbl_tagcategory_tagfield_key UNIQUE (tagcategory, tagfield); -- -- Name: aditcatgrp aditcatgrp_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditcatgrp ADD CONSTRAINT aditcatgrp_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sfcategory); -- -- Name: aditenumhdr aditenumhdr_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditenumhdr ADD CONSTRAINT aditenumhdr_pkey PRIMARY KEY (enumid); -- -- Name: aditsupergrp aditsupergrp_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditsupergrp ADD CONSTRAINT aditsupergrp_pkey PRIMARY KEY (supergrpid); -- -- Name: aditsupergrp aditsupergrp_supergrpname_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.aditsupergrp ADD CONSTRAINT aditsupergrp_supergrpname_key UNIQUE (supergrpname); -- -- Name: ddltypes ddltypes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.ddltypes ADD CONSTRAINT ddltypes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ddltype); -- -- Name: query_interface query_interface_dictionaryseq_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.query_interface ADD CONSTRAINT query_interface_dictionaryseq_key UNIQUE (dictionaryseq); -- -- Name: query_interface query_interface_tagcategory_tagfield_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.query_interface ADD CONSTRAINT query_interface_tagcategory_tagfield_key UNIQUE (tagcategory, tagfield); -- -- Name: validationoverrides validationoverrides_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.validationoverrides ADD CONSTRAINT validationoverrides_pkey PRIMARY KEY (num); -- -- Name: validator_sfcats validator_sfcats_sfcategory_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: dict; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY dict.validator_sfcats ADD CONSTRAINT validator_sfcats_sfcategory_key UNIQUE (sfcategory); -- -- Name: entry_saveframes entry_saveframes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: macromolecules; Owner: - -- ALTER TABLE ONLY entry_saveframes ADD CONSTRAINT entry_saveframes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sfid); -- -- PostgreSQL database dump complete --