# 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/noesygptp19" ;noesygptp19 ;avance-version ;2D homonuclear correlation via dipolar coupling ;dipolar coupling may be due to noe or chemical exchange. ;phase sensitive using TPPI ;water suppression using 3-9-19 pulse sequence with gradients ;M. Piotto, V. Saudek & V. Sklenar, J. Biomol. NMR 2, 661 - 666 (1992) ;V. Sklenar, M. Piotto, R. Leppik & V. Saudek, J. Magn. Reson., ; Series A 102, 241 -245 (1993) # 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp//Avance.incl" ;Avance.incl ; ;version 99/08/02 # 13 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/noesygptp19" # 1 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp//Grad.incl" ;Grad.incl - include file for Gradient Spectroscopy ;avance-version ;version 99/02/19 define list EA= # 14 "/u/exp/stan/nmr/lists/pp/noesygptp19" "d0=3u" "d12=20u" 1 ze 2 d1 3 d12 pl1:f1 p1 ph1 d0 p1 ph2 d8 p1 ph3 d12 pl18:f1 50u setnmr2|0 setnmr0|34 p16:gp1 d16 p28*0.231 ph4 d19*2 p28*0.692 ph4 d19*2 p28*1.462 ph4 d19*2 p28*1.462 ph5 d19*2 p28*0.692 ph5 d19*2 p0*0.231 ph5 46u p16:gp2 d16 4u setnmr2^0 setnmr0^34 go=2 ph31 d1 wr #0 if #0 id0 ip1 zd lo to 3 times td1 exit ph1=0 2 ph2=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ph3=0 0 2 2 3 3 1 1 ph4=0 ph5=2 ph31=0 2 2 0 1 3 3 1 2 0 0 2 3 1 1 3 ;pl1 : f1 channel - power level for pulse (default) ;pl18: f1 channel - power level for 3-9-19-pulse (watergate) ;p0 : f1 channel - 90 degree pulse at pl18 ; use for fine adjustment ;p1 : f1 channel - 90 degree high power pulse ;p2 : f1 channel - 180 degree high power pulse ;p16: homospoil/gradient pulse ;p28: f1 channel - 90 degree pulse at pl18 ;d0 : incremented delay (2D) [3 usec] ;d1 : relaxation delay; 1-5 * T1 ;d8 : mixing time ;d12: delay for power switching [20 usec] ;d16: delay for homospoil/gradient recovery ;d19: delay for binomial water suppression ; d19 = (1/(2*d)), d = distance of next null (in Hz) ;in0: 1/(2 * SW) = DW ;nd0: 2 ;NS: 8 * n ;DS: 16 ;td1: number of experiments ;MC2: TPPI ;use gradient ratio: gp 1 : gp 2 ; 20 : 20 ;for z-only gradients: ;gpz1: 20% ;gpz2: 20% ;use gradient files: ;gpnam1: SINE.100 ;gpnam2: SINE.100